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Felt inspiration strike so here's another chapter :3

"What the hell are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here." Daryl's voice immediately calmed your nerves. 

You fought tears back at seeing Daryl in his wretched state. Your hands fell upon his chest and you vaguely noticed Dwight turn the corner behind him. 

"Daryl?" You heard Sherry's voice from behind you and Daryl's eyes shifted up to look at her. You noticed something change about his demeanor as he set his gaze on her. You took a tentative step back in shock when you realized it was appreciation. Your mouth fell open and this time tears hit the corners of your eyes. Dwight grabbed Daryl by the back of his shirt and shoved him forward, both of them glancing at Sherry before walking past you. You couldn't believe you were standing in front of him and he just looked at another woman that way. Did the feelings you felt toward him not mean anything to him? 

"I don't know what you heard," Sherry's voice broke you from your thoughts and your body stiffened. You faced her with a threatening glare and clenched your teeth without showing it. She noticed your look and the way your bloodshot eyes clearly were on the verge of tears. 

"What? Spit it the fuck out Sherry," you took a step toward her, "because if you're going to intimidate me," you paused, taking another step which brought you inches from her face, "do it fucking right." You spun on your heel and walked toward the corner Dwight had come around. 

Not even a second after turning the corner, you noticed Negan standing in a doorway that clearly signified it was his. 

"Damn, princess. I heard that. Remind me not to piss you off." He chuckled and looked down then met your eyes with what you could only describe as respect and a hint of desire. 

For some reason you had the urge to hug the man. 

So you did. 

He seemed surprised, but slowly wrapped his arms around your back and rested his chin on your head. 

"I have a strict no touching rule." He muttered and this time you were the one to laugh lightly. You stepped back and regarded him with a smirk of your own. 

"Whatever I think you would break that rule just to touch me," you said and then realized that he took it another way. His eyes darkened and clouded with lust. He gripped you tighter to his chest and brought his face close to yours. 

"You bet that sweet ass I would." While he spoke, his hand traveled down and gave your left ass cheek a squeeze. You jumped away from him and pushed on his chest while he grinned at you and laughed. He stepped backwards into the room and motioned for you to come in. You thought for a moment and he observed your hesitation. 

"I won't bite, princess," he paused and smirked at you, "at least not hard." 

Making a comment on that remark would only provoke him so you only rolled your eyes and stepped through the doorway. 

As soon as you stepped through you started to take in everything. You noted how elegantly everything was placed, as if a decorator had come in and designed the room just for Negan. A voice in the back of your mind chortled at that and guessed the arrogant bastard probably did have someone do just that. 

Negan noticed your eyes glanced at everything in the room and laughed to himself. He sat down at a dark wood desk and leaned back connecting his hands and resting them on his stomach. You looked over at him to find him already watching you. 

You both stared at each other before his pearly toothed grin showed on his face. 

"See something you like princess?" He asserted and you quickly looked away to flip through his collection of old vinyl records. 

"Yes actually, these are amazing! Do you have a record player?" You suddenly became very excited at the idea of music after not hearing it for so long. He shook his head when you looked at him again. 

"No I keep those for recollection, not to play." His words killed your mood immediately and you became bored once again. You noticed his eyes flick to a wooden box in the corner and you nonchalantly picked up a Pink Floyd album. You made your way over to the box and Negan finally understood what you were doing. He was on you in a flash and snatched the record from your grasp, pulling you against his chest. 

"I'll let you play this one under one condition." 

His words intrigued you and you cocked your head to the side and raised an eyebrow, signaling for him to continue. 

"I want one night with you." 

Your mouth dropped open and you tried to push away from him again, but he held you fast and didn't allow you to let go. 

"Why Negan? What makes me so fucking special? You have women at your beck and call just ask one of them." 

"They're not allowed in my room." You fixed him with an incredulous stare at this knowledge and suddenly you wanted nothing but to leave and not return. This would only be one more reason for Negan's wives to hate you.

"I have to go." You said trying to evade him once again. 

"Fine, just a kiss. Then I'll let you go." You couldn't believe the nerve of this man. What was his deal all of a sudden? 


"I know you want me to." 

"No, I don't." 

"Yes you do." 

"Really? And you know this how?" 

"Want me to prove it?" 

Then his lips were on yours and all other thoughts fled your mind. 

This was way better than your dream.

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