business before pleasure

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His mouth was like a silk caress against your skin. Every kiss burned your flesh, and every nip made you shiver with a moan that was lighter than air. 

Negan kissed down your neck and reached the shallow curves of your breasts. He hooked two fingers under each side of your shirt and tugged it off without warning. Your hands moved up his chest and into his messy hair. He walked you both back toward a closed door until you hit the barrier. The force of impact caused his lips to break from your skin and you groaned when his hands found their way to your backside. He crushed his lips on yours again with a breathy sigh and hugged you tighter to his rugged body, that was slowly driving you insane. 

You began to remove his white t-shirt, leaving him bare chested and you indulged in the viewing pleasure of the muscles in his biceps before leaping on him again. 

The black couch next to you seemed like the perfect surface to engage in the next step to where you were both headed. You pulled away from his lips for a moment and tugged on his belt buckle, dragging him toward you. You fell back on the couch and hauled Negan on top of you, reattaching your lips to his. Your fingers worked to undo his belt and unbutton his jeans. 

This was pure bliss. You never wanted this to end. Unfortunately, this was the moment someone decided to walk in on you two. 

"Oh! Dear god! Sorry!" 

You jumped apart so fast you didn't even see Negan move. He swiped a hand across his mouth and glared at the person who had entered without permission. 

"Ellie?" You asked, finally taking in the person who had just barged in and what state she was in. Had she been crying?

Negan's face immediately softened when he realized who it was and he looked at you. His finger pointed at the door and your eyes widened.

"You. Out." He grumbled, making your mouth drop open in surprise. This sudden change of events make you stumble toward the door and cast a backwards glance at Negan and his disheveled appearance. Before you could ask any more questions, the door was slammed in your face. It was immediately opened again and your shirt was thrown out, without seeing who threw it. Although, you would wager it was that asshole, Negan. 

What in the seven deadly sins had just happened? 

You put on your shirt and walked back to your room which you discovered was only feet away this whole time. How had you never noticed that before? You guessed it was because you had never seen Negan's room or where it was located before now. Duh, you thought. 

You collapsed on the bed in wonderment, trying to figure out what this meant for you. Negan had never kissed you and yet, it almost seemed like he couldn't get enough of whatever had just happened.

Instead of sitting in your room for the remainder of the day, you decided to face the music and go back to your laundry duties. You went to each room, except Negan's, in the corridor and gathered everyone's clothes. Once you got back to the laundromat, you saw a note posted on the outside of the door. It read:

Sorry, I won't be in today! Family emergency! Please go to all the rooms today and gather up the clothes that I would normally get. Thank you! I owe you one. -E

What? Ellie was having a family emergency? So why the hell had she turned up at Negan's? This was getting weirder and weirder. 

Deciding against better judgement to go investigate, you went to all the rooms on the south side of the compound. All of the wives rooms happened to be on that side. Great. 

You knocked on each door, one by one, waiting for their answer. You arrived at a meek girl's room and you noticed she couldn't be any more than 20-25 at least. 

"Are you one of Negan's wives?" You asked, curiosity seeping into your conscience. 

She met your eyes with a frightened, shaky stare. 

"I shouldn't be talking to you." She said in a low, gravelly voice. You weren't sure which scared you more, what she had said or the way she had said it. She practically shoved her clothes at you and slammed the door, shutting out your thoughts completely. 

"Well then..." You whispered, turning to find every door to the wives rooms were open. Each one stood in the doorway, staring at you. 

You seemed to find yourself in more and more weird situations as the day went on apparently. 

"Uh...hi ladies?" You said, not receiving anything but cold, hard glares from each wife. Something freaked you out about the look in Amber's eyes. Like she could take you down in 2 seconds flat. It was a challenging, yet defensive look. You simply gathered all their clothes and turned to leave. 

You distinctly heard the word, "Slut," get thrown at you as you left. Something about that pissed you off so you stopped, without turning around, and threw up the middle finger to no one in particular, behind you. 

You heard the scoffs of the other women, which pulled on smile onto your lips and you felt like you had done what you needed to do, so you left.

"God, I hate vindictive bitches." You muttered, and Negan suddenly surfaced next to you. 

"Me too." He said, and eyed you with a smirk.

"How do you do that? Do you have some secret compartments or something that I don't know about?" You smiled, as you both kept walking and he cast you a sideways glance. 

"Maybe, but why would I tell you if they're secret?" You could hear the cocky attitude in his voice and you just shook your head in a laugh. 

"Whatever, Negan." 

"Catch you later, princess." He said, and turned the right corner as soon as you rounded the corner to your left. 

You stopped and watched him go. 

Suddenly, you were pulled into a room behind you with a hand over your mouth. 

"Don't trust him. He will chew you up and spit you out like poorly cooked meat." You felt gross at hearing this person speak directly into your ear and tried to escape from their grasp. It sounded vaguely masculine. 

Then you were shoved back out and the door was locked behind you. 

As if nothing had even happened. 

As if it wasn't even real. 

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