trust is earned

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"Wake the fuck up."

You jolted awake, all the past memories of yesterday flooding your mind. You groaned in annoyance and raised your head to see Negan standing, in all his glory, in the bedroom doorframe.

You had to admire the strength of this man for just a moment. He really was beautiful.

He raised an eyebrow and you realized you had been staring at him. Quickly, you jerked your head away and continued to get up.

"Get dressed. We have shit to do."

He turned and walked away, closing the door again and leaving you to your thoughts.

They started to wander and you felt yourself becoming very hot at the thought of Negan walking back into the room and taking you in his arms. Pressing you to the bed, he would kiss up your neck. Your core throbbed and you softly slid your hand down into your jeans, thinking you had a little time to relax.

The door opened.

Negan stood stock-still and stared at your hand in your pants. You made the mistake of not pulling on the covers at all last night or this morning.

Negan silently stepped into the room and shut the door behind him.

He set Lucille against the wall and began to shrug out of his jacket. Your breathing became labored and you didn't dare move, as you watched his muscles beneath his white shirt flex.

He began to stride toward you, every step making it harder to breathe. As if he had just sucked all the air out of the room. He took your hand from inside your jeans and replaced it with his.

The moment his fingers touched your heat, you moaned loudly. Your hands snapped up to cover your mouth. His lips twitched into a grin.

"Shh princess. Wouldn't want anyway to hear how good I make you feel." His eyes danced with amusement and you almost told him to fuck off, but he applied more pressure to your center and you caught yourself.

He began to move his fingers in a circular motion, making you take short breaths and your hand reached out to grip his bicep.

"Negan, we shouldn't-" he cut you off with his mouth pressing to yours.

Your lips moved in sync with his, and your hand slid up to the back of his neck, your other hand gripping the bedspread tightly.

"I haven't kissed someone in so long," Negan whispered against your lips.

"I think you need to wake up now, princess," he said, this time it sounded right by your ear. Which was odd, considering his lips were still pressed to yours. Realization hit, that you were, in fact, dreaming.

You opened your eyes, taking note that the real Negan was fully clothed, and the kiss had never happened.

You groaned again, this time from pain in your side that you forgot was there.

"Seemed like you were having a damn good dream." Negan whispered, his eyes burning into yours. Suddenly, you wondered what you had said; what he had heard.

"So what shouldn't we do, princess?"

You froze.

His hand began to trace circles on your upper arm.

"What were we doing in that dream that was so, forbidden?"

His lips looked so soft and you wanted to kiss him. You wanted it more than anything.

The moment was over as soon as it began, and Negan pulled away with a smirk.

"Get up princess. I won't tell you again."

Negan this time, waited until you were standing up before leaving again. You weren't sure what the hell, 'get dressed' meant because you hadn't brought any clothes along, until you noticed a stack sitting on the end of the dresser across the room.

You quickly changed into some girl's clothes that were two sizes too small. They made your breasts pop and they shaped your ass. Somehow you knew Negan did this on purpose.

You waited back on the bed until Negan came to retrieve you again.

This time, Dwight was the one to come get you. He paused when he saw your outfit but covered up a laugh with a cough.

"Come down. Negan wants to eat with you and the boys. It's breakfast." Dwight spoke in straightforward sentiments.

You nodded and followed him out and down the stairs. The steps were hard to take because of your side but you grit your teeth and endured it.

The sleazeball, Simon, was the first to spot you and a reprehensible grin fell upon his face. His eyes fixated on your breasts and you forced down the reflex to retch all over him.

Negan caught your eye and glared at Simon until he looked away from you, falling in his place.

"Now boys. This is a celebration. For our dear, princess." Negan smiled at you and you knew that speaking out at him in front of his stupid lynch mob would probably be bad.

You sat down in indignation, knowing this was already going to be a long breakfast.

"The celebration is something special. She gets to choose something. Not many of you have the privilege of choice. So I hope, she chooses wisely." Negan was planning something and you weren't sure if you were going to like where this was going.

You still kept your calm, waiting for the storm of whatever he was about to say.

"So princess,"

All eyes focused on you. Some with greedy, dirty looks, some of jealousy, some of indifference. Your eyes stayed trained on Negan. What the hell was he doing? The next words he spoke were ones you never expected to hear.

"Will you be my wife?"

His PrincessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang