saving lives

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Where in the hell had that thought come from?

How were you going to become his wife?

If you started to cozy up to him and act like you were attracted to him, he was going to know something was up. Why was he even keeping you here anyway? What was the purpose, because he didn't give any hints to what the hell was even going on.

So far, you were confused as hell and all you knew was that you needed to get to the compound. You needed to find Daryl, come together with your group again, and kick Negan's ass right to the curb.

The question was: How?

How were you going to do all this? Did you have a plan? No.

Now you're stuck in this house with guards watching your every move 24/7.

What the hell was there to even do around here? Your eyes wandered the room and you got up and looked out the window. In the not so far distance, you could see Negan's RV and the rest of the Saviors driving down the dirt road away from you.

A thought chimed in your head and you raced to the door to the bedroom you were in. Cautiously, you reached out to turn the doorknob. It was unlocked.

The realization that you might be free because some idiot forgot to lock the door hit you.

Freedom had never tasted so sweet.

You flung the door open, not caring what destruction it caused to the wall, and bolted down the stairs to the main foyer. Your fingers were inches away from the front door when that disgustingly sexy voice thundered in your ear.

"I wouldn't fucking do that if I were you."

You froze, heart thudding in your chest.

Slowly, you turned to where the voice was coming from in the living room and on a very comfortable looking couch, sat Negan.

The defeat rushed into your body so fast it almost knocked you over and you took a step back.

The back door.

Your mind told you to run, so you did.

Stumbling into the room behind, you vaguely noticed the dining room as it led straight to the kitchen which showed promise of a back door.

A light chuckle was heard and that pushed your legs harder, hoping he wasn't closer than you were.

"Wow, princess. You have some huge lady balls. Even knowing what I can do to you, and what I did to your friends, you still try to run away." His voice travelled through the house.

"Did you really think I would leave you all fucking alone here? Am I stupid?" He laughed loudly and you were so close. So close.

The door was open.

You stopped again, knowing it was a trap.

A gun clicked to your left.

"I really don't want to shoot you, princess. But you're really getting on my fucking nerves." Negan was holding a gun up to your head.

You sighed in defeat and turned to face him, making the gun aim right at the center of your forehead.

"What do you want me to do?" Your voice sounded smaller than it had ever been before and Negan seemed to be shocked.

"You never cease to surprise me, princess. I haven't broken you yet, have I?" He cocked an eyebrow, fixing his eyes on yours, while lowering the gun.

You pursed your lips, this time choosing silence over whatever sarcastic comment you were about to throw at him.

"Hmm." He took a step toward you and stared into your eyes.

"Are you scared of me, princess?" His voice resounded dangerously in your chest and your lower area throbbed with need of hearing that voice in a much more intimate way.

"You have never scared me, Negan." You spoke straight into his face, not backing down.

"There she is." He responded and you both stood there for a moment, feeling the sparks flicking in the air between you.

"I want to show you something." You looked at him skeptically at the sudden change in subject, but decided to just follow him wherever, because anywhere was better than standing here lusting over the man.

He led you back to the front of the house, where he opened the front door and stepped out.

He trailed along the side of the house, toward the back, whistling while holding Lucille on his shoulder.

You came to a stop at the back door and noticed something that hadn't been visible from the inside.

"New addition to the house, I guess," Negan said.

If you would have stepped out from the back, you would have immediately been killed. Apparently the men that had been living here wanted a few safety precautions.

The entire area underneath the back porch was littered with walkers. If you had set one foot on the porch, you would have fallen in and been eaten alive.

So in a way, Negan saved your life.

You shook that thought away as soon as it came.

"I think you owe me a thank you." A slow grin spread across Negan's face and you couldn't help but melt at the sight.

"Thank you."

"You're fucking welcome."

Another moment of staring passed and you were the one to break it this time.

"So what is there to do around here that's fun?" You asked, making your way to the front of the house again, ahead of Negan.

"Well, seeing as how we'll be stuck here for a while, want to play cards?"

You glanced back at him and smiled.


He seemed to study you for a minute before responding.

"That's that first time I've seen you smile. Like a real smile." He said, kind of softly. You both walked up the steps of the porch and stopped. You gave him a weird look and he snapped out of whatever had been going through his head.

"Anyway, let's head back inside. I'll get it set up."

You looked nodded and looked down, following him, when a shot rang through the air.

You both froze, him inside the doorway, and you right behind him.

His eyes widened and narrowed to your stomach. You looked down to see where he was looking and noticed a spread of blood forming on your right side. Your hands reached down and touched the blood, terror and the first flickers of pain permeating through your body.

Before you blacked out, you watched Negan's hands wrap around your waist, stopping your head from hitting the ground.

His PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now