curbing the truth

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What the hell was the deal with this place? Were these people going insane? From demonic looking wives to Negan appearing everywhere to being pulled into a dark room with no idea what the hell was happening?

You needed a break. A severe time-to-go-to-the-beach-and-relax kind of break. However, seeing as the dire situation was not going to change anytime soon, you found another source of relaxation: reading. 

You finally worked for a couple of weeks and no other strange occurrences happened. You hadn't even seen Negan since he appeared next to you in the hallway that day. You also tried to decipher who had pulled you into that room and why. You had even went back into that room a couple of days after, only to find it empty. Not in a 'they haven't been back in a few days' kind of way, more like the fact that it was completely uninhabited to the point of dust bunnies fluttering in the corner. Something was super off about all the people around here but you tried not to draw attention to yourself any more than what had already been stressed onto you. 

Anyway, the couple of weeks of investigation toward the lipstick incident was coming to a close, as no one had yet to come forth. That left you to your own devices and also, to your workload. Which actually turned out to be a benefit, you have wracked up a good amount of points and this weekend you were finally going to spend some for the first time. 

You made your way to the outer shell of the compound, a place set up outside only on weekends like a personal convention. As you reached the door handle to finally see the place that would grant you some freedom for once, a hand clasped your bottom tightly. You were pulled roughly backwards against a rigid chest and the air was knocked from your lungs. A cold blade pressed to your throat and tilted your chin up so the person could whisper in your ear. 

"I hope you don't take this personally, but I have a few questions for you." 


Before you could ascertain who the obvious woman was behind you, a blindfold was put over your eyes and a gag stuffed in your mouth. You were in so much shock at this point, you really couldn't tell if the urge to scream was caught in your throat, or if it had completely died out in the event of curiosity to hear more of this person's voice.

You felt a sharp pain in your left temple and suddenly all of your senses dimmed and the world faded away into unconsciousness. 

Your head lolled to the side, tense yet lightheaded. What the hell was everyone's problem? Why were you suddenly the focus of everyone's attention? This was like a way more brutal version of high school and you just wanted to be left the hell alone. 

The blindfold was ripped from your face, pulling your hair and making you bite down on the gag. You forgot that was there. Your throat felt thick and dry and this was pissing you off. You could take care of shit if you needed to. You didn't like how all these people were suddenly catching you off guard and it was wavering your confidence to take care of yourself. 

Your eyes squinted to adjust to the light and the blurriness around the edges softened as you opened them. The voice you thought had come from Ellie, belonged to someone else. Someone you couldn't wait to get your hands on. Amber. You lurched forward toward her and she produced a single snort at the fact that you couldn't. The bitch had tied you to the chair. 

"It's just me. You seem to have a way of attracting trouble, don't you." 

Apparently only whiny bitches like you. The thought made you smirk; well it would have if you didn't have a wad of fucking cloth in your mouth. 

"I saw you go into Negan's room that day. You aren't supposed to. We can't. SO why the hell should you?" You watched Amber get closer to you and she pointed a thin painted finernail in front of your face. You wanted to bite the tip off her finger and see if she still pointed shit at you. 

Something was familiar about her. The red painted fingernails...the red tank top that barely covered anything...the red lipstick. 


"It was me. I drew the word on your door. My dear best friend, Sherry was going to take the fall for it but I told her not to. No one should have to suffer for something that was only spreading the truth. You are a worthless whore. Maybe I should have wrote you a letter or something. No, that would have been too obvious." She paces in front of you, tapping one of those sickly painted nails on her devious little whore lips. 

A thought suddenly dawned on you and your eyes cast downward. You formed a plan in your mind and it was almost like a rush of adrenaline shot through your body. You made yourself look like you were about to cry. You wanted her to come closer. There was one small thing Amber the Whore should have done. 

Tied up your legs.

She gazed at you for a sad minute and walked closer, as you hoped. She took the gag from your mouth and your lips formed a pout immediately. 

"Awh, is little baby gonna cry?" She mocked, holding up two fingers to her face in a fake tear gesture. You stopped pretending to cry and gave her a menacing glare through your crestfallen eyes. 

"No, but you're about to." You said, and using the top of your head, you smashed it into hers and twisted your legs behind her so she would fall. This knocked her down and she hit her head on the wall behind her, knocking her out cold. 

You stood up, infuriated that you felt helpless and turned with your back toward to wall to bend down and pick up the forgotten knife she had dropped that she had used on you earlier. You freed your hands of the ties and watched as Amber slowly began to awaken. 

"Time for payback, bitch." You said and grabbed her by the hair. She screeched and you didn't care who heard. You were taking her to Negan. 

"Wait! Wait, don't you want to know what Negan has with Ellie?" She practically yelled and you paused for a moment, contemplating whether this lying scum was worth the talk. 

"Speak. I'll decide if it's enough to let you go." You said and with a forced nod, Amber complied. 

She told you things that you did not want to hear. 

She told you that Negan, was in love with Ellie.

Sorry guys, I've been sick. I've had a sinus infection and have barely been able to talk and function like a normal human. 

But anyway! 

Do you really think Negan's in love with Ellie? If not, then what is his deal with her and why was he so quick to cast you aside when she showed up?? If you do, then what do you think you're going to do to be first in his eyes? He clearly loves women so what's going to catch his attention and make you stand out??

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