Complicated Emotions

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Chapter three

The next day (2:11pm)

Beyoncé entered The Hideaway and ambled further inside towards the table she usually sat. When she noticed no one was there, she froze--gazing around the room in questioning. "Bee?!" She heard someone call her. She quickly looked away to gaze at the familiar guy sitting at another table by the window this time. He motioned her over with a smile on his face. She headed towards the specific table and took a seat across from him. "Hey, I'm glad you could make it." He spoke, noticing the upset look on her face. "Is everything okay? You look..."

"Pissed?" She ended. "Well that's because I am." He flashed her a confused look.

"Really? Why? Was it something I did?" She rolled her eyes while flipping the first page to her text book open. "Hey..." He reached over to touch her but she quickly jerked back. "What's wro..."

"I can't believe you had your sister come to my house yesterday. I almost got in trouble. I had to LIE to my father and I NEVER lie to my father." She spoke angrily.

"Wh...I'm sorry. I didn't think it would be a big deal since it was a girl. I thought..."

"I don't know how you guys do things here but back in Texas, people don't just show up without notifying..."

"Well how am I supposed to notify you if you don't have a phone? I'm just trying to..."

"You're making things difficult for me, Justin. And I don't appreciate it. All I wanna do is study for my exam and finish school and..." She paused, feeling her eyes water up with solution. "I just wanna graduate so I can move out." He felt bad all of a sudden. She sat there with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know I would get you in trouble by having my sister go instead of me. If I knew, I wouldn't have sent her. I swear to you." She held her head down, biting down on her trembling look. "Was it that bad?"

"I..." She sniffled inaudibly. "I was this close to getting in trouble. I never had to lie to my father."

"I'm really sorry, Bee. I didn't know. I promise you. I really don't...I don't see what's the big deal. What is your father's problem any way? You're twenty years old. Does he even realize his behavior is for kids? You're not a kid anymore."

"You don't think I know that? I've been trying to prove that to him on many occasions but I'm just gonna be his little girl for the rest of my life." She was a completely different person this time. He had no idea what happened to the shy girl he OFFICIALLY met two days ago.

"I...I want you to know that I really like you. I knew there was something different about you when I saw you. You seemed very quiet just looked like you had so much going on in your pretty head of yours..." She chuckled softly. "I thought you were very interesting and pretty."

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