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Chapter four

Four days later

"I'm going crazy. I don't know what to do." Justin sat in his living room on the sofa with April. "I haven't heard from her in days. The last time we spoke...I don't know." He sat back in his seat. "I think something bad happened to her."

"Maybe she just...wasn't feeling it." He looked away to meet her gaze.

"That's not possible. When we last saw each other, she was telling me how much she wanted to kiss me and..." He bit his lip in hesitation. "Did you know that she was being abused?" She flashed him a confused look.

"What do you mean?"

"She gets beatings. Like a little child. She didn't want to come out and say it but I know that's what's happening to her. I could see it in her face. She's scared and she wants to break free but she's afraid of what will happen. I know something bad happened. This isn't like her to just..."

"You don't even know her, Justin. Maybe she didn't like you like that."

"She likes me. I know her parents did something to her. They are either holding her against her will or...they probably beat her." He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "I don't even wanna think about what she's going through right now. She needs help. I wish I could help her."

"I would go over there and see if she's okay but...after hearing how upset she got when I showed up before..."

"I can not see her ever again. I need to know if she's okay. That's all that matters to me right now. What if...what if she's dead? What if they hurt her so bad that they..."

"Don't talk like that." She hated seeing him go through this. He looked so miserable and out of it. "All right, I'll go back over there." He flashed her an excited look.

"You will? Oh thank you, April." He embraced her in a hug. "You're the best. I owe you."

"Don't worry about it." She stood up, grabbing her purse with her. "I'll call you to let you know what happened."


Beyoncé laid on the floor in the basement sleeping next to an empty plate of food. She'd been down there for four days after being whipped with an extension cord over and over. She still had marks on her body and she ached all over. Laying on the hard basement floor wasn't making things better. She needed a comfy surface to lay on to help heal her faster.

The sound of a door being opened immediately awoke her. She quickly sat up, scooting further back towards the tool set as she watched her father amble down the stairs with a plate in his hands. "Here's breakfast." He sat the plate of food on the floor, collecting her empty one while he was at it. "Eat your food."

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