A Work In Progress

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Chapter twenty

A week later

Beyoncé exited her classroom and ambled down the hall that led outside on the parking lot. On her way down the hall, her phone went off. She quickly went through her purse for the device as it kept ringing. "Crap." She froze in the middle of the hall, continually rummaging through the huge purse for the phone. When she found it, she pressed the TALK button and rested it against her ear. "Hello?" She looked up, her gaze instantly zooming in on a familiar guy standing at the end of the hall in front of the double doors. When she realized who it was, a soft gasp escaped her lips and her eyes stretched open in shock. What was this guy doing here? Did they release him from jail or prison? Wherever he went.

"Don't go outside. Your father is here. I'm gonna come and get you." Justin's voice echoed in her ear. She was too shocked to even respond. It was like her whole body froze and she became completely mute.

"I'm standing there..." Beyoncé laid back on a sofa with her eyes shut. She had been going to see a counselor for the past three days; trying to get over this issue that she had. "He's standing there watching me with that...evil grin. And...oh god! He...he's walking towards me..." She begin to cry. "I was so afraid. I dropped the phone and turned to run. And that's when I felt his hands on my neck."

"On the count of three, you're gonna open your eyes." The therapist spoke, glancing at Justin who sat on a chair next to the sofa. "One...two...three..." Her eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Hey." Justin spoke, standing to his feet. "You okay?" She sat up, gazing around the room.

"Wh...what happened?" He looked back at the therapist with a baffled look on his face.

"She doesn't remember any of that?" He asked in questioning.

"To her it felt like it was happening right then. That's the exact same way she feels when she's having these dreams. And how often do you dream about your father, Miss Knowles?"

"Um..." She sniffled, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Almost every night now."

"Sometimes she doesn't recognize me. When she awake, she's screaming and hitting me because she thinks I'm her father." Justin spoke, taking a seat beside her.

"I think he's gonna come back for me. And this time..." Her eyes begin to water up. "I was lucky last time. Justin found me. I just don't think it's really over. My sister has been living with us since our parents been away."

"Has your sister gone through the trauma you've experience? Is she..."

"They never hit my sister. They were always watching me." She bit down on her trembling lip. "Will I ever get over this?"

"You may never, Miss Knowles but you can try to get pass your fear. It's a mental thing. You gotta stop being afraid. Once that happens then the dreams will most likely stop. It will take some time though. You've been through a lot." She reached out, grasping Justin's hand in hers.

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