So Into You

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Chapter eleven


"It's funny because...I've never dated an African American woman before." Justin spoke to Beyoncé. They both sat out back on the patio eating pizza by the pool.

"And I've never dated a Caucasian guy before. I've never dated anyone PERIOD." She spoke, laughing faintly.

"Are you happy with me? I mean...did you expect something different?" He asked, biting into his pizza.

"My father used to tell me that guys are the devil. I think he was just trying to scare me. He didn't want me to date anyone. And it worked because I'm still a virgin and you're the first guy I've ever dated." She took a sip of her water. "I'm really happy with the way things are going between us. You're a very nice guy, Justin." He smiled sweetly.

"And I think you're a very nice woman. And you deserve so much better." He replied with a serious look on his face. "I had this terrible dream earlier when I fell asleep. It was about us. You, me, your parents and your sister." She returned an interesting look. "I dreamt that I was taking you away from them. You father was beating on you again and I came to the rescue and saved you. Ha." He laughed softly. "That will never happen though, right?" He peeled his eyes from off her to gaze at the pool. "As much as I wanna believe it but...I don't think you will be leaving them anytime soon."

"You sound a little disappointed." He sighed heavily.

"I am. I ain't gonna lie. I am disappointed but also sad. This whole situation can be prevented. It doesn't have to be this way." He bit his lip in thought. "I went to my ex to ask for support. I ex out of all people. I would've went to Trace but I didn't want him to know what was going on between us. And I shouldn't have went to her because she wasn't help at all."

"Why did you go to her?" He sat back, putting his gaze on her.

"I was lost. I needed to know what to do. I felt like I was useless. It was after I saw your father hit you outside the school. I was expecting you to come with me but you didn't and I was just so confused. I didn't understand why you went with him. But now I do. You're used to being treated this way. What you're going through is probably nothing to you but to me..." He held his head down, fiddling with his bottle of beer. "It breaks my heart to see you go through this." He watched her stand up and ambled over to his side of the table.

"I'm gonna be fine."

"And how can you be so sure? That dream was telling me something. I know it." He spoke, looking up to stare at her. "You know I wanna help you get out of this but I can't if you're gonna keep running back to them." She took a seat on his lap, attaching her arm around his neck. This action immediately took him by surprise because she was never that forward with them. Most of the time she was shy.

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