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Chapter sixteen

"What do you want, Mister Knowles?" The older guy looked away to gaze at Beyoncé who remained seated with her head down. Her heart was pounding and her stomach was doing back flips. She was so afraid, she couldn't even build up the guts to look at him.

"Beyoncé?" He called, watching her hesitantly look up to stare at him.

"I asked, what do you want?" Justin repeated, blocking his view from seeing Beyoncé. "You're not even supposed to be here. Well at least within fifty feet of her. So if you don't wanna get arrested, I suggest you leave now before I call the cops."

"She is still my daughter. I have a right to talk to her."

"No you don't. Not after all of the shit you put her through. Leave."

"Your sister misses you. WE miss you." Justin laughed pathetically while shaking his head.

"You are a piece of work. All right, I tried warning you." He pulled out his cell phone from out of his pocket. Everyone watched on, hoping that something dramatic would happen. That was just like people to enjoy watching other people suffer.

"Wait." Beyoncé slid from out of the booth. "Don't call the cops. I'll...go talk to him." He returned an unbelievable look.

"What? You're not seriously gonna..."

"I'm just gonna go outside. I'll be right there." She pointed. "Okay?" She leaned in, pecking him on the lips. "I'll be right back." He watched her amble towards the exit, Matthew following behind her.

"This is..." He gritted his teeth angrily. "I swear, if he tries something..." He watched the two of them from out the window.

"Why are you with this guy?" Matthew asked. "He can't possibly be providing for you. We gave you everything. We put you in the best school..."

"I love him." She didn't know what came over her but this was actually the first time she had ever spoke back to her father. "You can't put a price on love. He's been there for me. Within the little time we've known each other and it feels like I've known him all my life. He loves me. He SHOWS it. And I would be stupid to go back to people who only hurt me. And probably for their pleasure." He stood there, taken a back on her actions. He really had no idea what to say because she never spoke her mind to him before.

"Well what about your sister? You're just gonna abandon her? You know she looks up to you."

"I will never abandon, Solange. You think I'd be stupid to leave her with you?" Her heart was beating erratically. That was a sign that she was getting upset and very emotional. "I'm gonna get a place and I will take Solange away from you." He laughed hilariously.

"You think I will let you?"

"You don't have to. Once she hits eighteen, she will leave. Solange has always been stronger than me. I give her that. She won't stick around and let you guys treat..." Before she could blink, she felt a hand fly across her face.

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