Mayhem On 21st Street

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Chapter twenty-two

Not Guilty!
Not Guilty!
Not Guilty

Those two horrible words kept replaying in Beyoncé's head. How in the world did the verdict come back NOT GUILTY?

"How can they do that? Is this seriously happening?" Justin spoke to the detective outside of the court room. "You saw what they did to her! How can they get off with something like this? Who the fuck is running the system? HOW CAN YOU LET THESE PEOPLE WALK FREE?!"

"I understand your pain, Mister Timberlake. The older you get, you'll realize that life is not fair. The bad guys walk free all the time." He slid his hands in his pockets as he watched the two evil parents exit the court room with cameras following behind them.

"Fucking idiots." He muttered angrily.

"How does it feel to be proven not guilty?" A reporter asked, following the two further down the hall.

"Justice was served." Matthew replied.

"That's bullshit!" Justin shouted, watching the older guy stop in the middle of the hall and turn to face him.

"What was that, Mister Timberlake?" He ambled towards Matthew.

"Justin?" April called.

"I said that's BULLSHIT and you know it. You are guilty. I don't care what the jury says. The system is FUCKED up any way if they let you assholes get away with kidnapping and attempted murder."

"I believe they did the right thing. I..."

"How could they have done the right thing? First, you choose citizens who know NOTHING about the law. People who didn't experience it like the victims and you put them in a position to choose whether you're guilty or not. It's not right. You should be sent to prison for the rest of your life. You and your crazy wife. I was there. I know what happened. As well as Bee. She suffered. And you guys just go free."

"I understand you're upset because we didn't get sent to prison. But the law is the law."

"Oh here we go." He rolled his eyes.

"We saved Bee. When we found her, she was beaten and sexually abused..."

"What?" He flashed an unbelievable look. "What the hell are you talking about? You're a liar! A fucking liar!!" He shouted angrily. "Bee wasn't sexually abused. YOU BEAT HER! YOU VIOLATED YOUR OWN DAUGHTER AND THEN YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO LIE AND SAY THAT SOMEBODY ELSE DID IT?! WHO?! IF YOU DIDN'T DO IT, WHO DID? YOU LOCKED HER UP IN THE BASEMENT AND..." He shouting so loud, his face was getting red.

"Justin please calm down." April assured.

"No! I will not fucking calm down. I can't believe he's lying like this. If that was the truth, WHY didn't you tell that to the jury when you were on the stand? Huh? You're making this shit up as you go along." Matthew stood there, never breaking a smile. "You're the most heartless person I've ever known and you better stay away from Bee. You still have a restraining order put on you AND your wife. If you come near her again..."

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