The Great Excape

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Chapter fourteen

The following day

"Who attacked you?" Beyoncé laid in the hospital bed talking to a detective. She fiddled with her fingers nervously. She wanted to tell them the truth but she was so afraid of what may have happened.

"I...I told you, I fell down the stairs."

"Okay well I spoke to the doctor and he said that you were beaten from your wounds." She held her head down, her heart pounding erratically. She couldn't tell on her parents. She just couldn't. "Now your parents said you were with a Justin the other night. Did he do this to you?" She quickly looked up, shaking her head no.

"No. Justin would never do this to me." She answered, feeling her eyes water up with tears. "He's been there for me. Ever since we met."

"Okay so if he didn't do it. Who did?" The tears started to pour down her face as she sat there debating on whether to tell the truth. "If you're trying to keep it a secret because you're afraid of what might happen then I'm going to let you know will be safe. We will keep you safe. Just tell us who did this to you." She looked up, wiping at her damp eyes.

"Just tell him, Bee." Justin spoke, listening in on their conversation from the device he hooked up through the flowers.

"What are you doing in here?" The detective quickly looked up to gaze at Matthew who entered the room. "Who are you?"

"Um, I'm detective Mills." He spoke, standing to his feet. "And you're Mister Knowles?" He extended his hand out to shake his but he didn't return the favor. "I'm here to interview your daughter. We're trying to find out who did this to her."

"I already told the authorities. That Justin guy she was with did this."

"Justin would never hurt me." She spoke in a soft tone.

"What did you just say?" Matthew asked.

"I..." She kept her head down, hesitating to respond to his question.

"How old are you, Miss Knowles?" Detective Mills asked.


"Twenty? Okay..." He looked back at Matthew. "I'm gonna have to ask you to leave while I talk to your daughter." He flashed him an unbelievable look.

"I didn't give you consent to talk to my daughter. I..."

"I don't need your consent, sir. She's twenty. She's old enough to give permission so if you'll step outside while I finish talking with her...I would gladly appreciate it." Matthew stood there with this heated look on his face. "Any day now, Mister Knowles." He finally turned and proceeded towards the door. "I apologize for that." He spoke, taking his seat on the chair. "Is he always like that?"

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