26 - Condoms and Truth

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Chapter 26 - Condoms and Truth

Levi was kicking my ass at beer pong.

This is my fault. Why on earth I ever decided to propose a sibling face off, beats me.

It's only been ten minutes and I already have three cups of beer sitting on the edge of table, waiting for me to drink them. I've already forced down three and who even knows where my team mate is? Those three are supposed to be his, meaning I really don't have to drink those. Like what am I supposed to do, drink twelve beers all by myself? Because at this rate, I'm not getting a ball in his cups anytime soon.

"What sis, need me to take it easy on you?" Levi laughed as I cringed, tossing back my fourth cup. My body gagged as I forced my throat to just accept it.

This wouldn't be so bad had he not bought the crappiest beer ever. This shit tasted like sewer water and I was on the steady verge of throwing it all up.

I threw the ball strategically and thanks to some light in the world, it landed in a cup. I removed a cup from my triangle as I watched Levi drink his. "Finally she let's me start drinking!" He shouts out and the crowd that formed around us all laughed.

The world is a cruel place.

Levi made another ball in the cup and I slid it off to the side with the rest of my teammate's drinks.

"Someone better find her partner, he has a lot of catching up." Levi eyed the full cups sitting at the edge of the table.

No. Nope. Nada. Not taking responsibility for those whatsoever so he better not start on me.

I held up my arm, hand wavering back and forth. The vodka shots I started with in combination with the beer, was really taking it's toll at this point.

In a sloppy toss, I threw the ball across the table, completely missing the table all together as I watched it bounce off some girl's shoulder.

"Alright, she's done. I can't watch my little sister go through this." Levi sent a forgiving smile my way and I glared before walking off, in attempt to find Carson or Melissa.

"There's the man I've been looking for." I slurred as I slung my arm around Melissa's neck.

"I think you have the wrong man." She shrugged me off onto Carson I smiled up at him, kissing his cheek. "You're fucking plastered." She commented but I ignored her. "But so is your man." She looked at Carson and Carson looked at me.

"Are you plaaaastered?" I grinned and poked his chest to see if he'd fall.

He didn't, but that meant nothing other than how weak I am.

Carson laughed and I laughed, and suddenly I couldn't stop laughing. "I think you need some water." Carson wrapped his arm under my arm pits and helped me into to the kitchen.

"Here." He handed me a glass and I gulped it down. It was so refreshing. It felt like the flavor of the heavens.

"You don't seem plasterrrred." I notice how much better he is at standing than I am.

"I'm not that bad." He chuckled and I noticed just how attractive his laugh is. It's so enticing.

"You really think so?" He made that beautiful sound again.

"Did I?"

He nodded.

"Mhm." I closed my eyes and nodded too.

"You're such a goof." Carson shook his head, tapping a sip of his drink, stumbling a bit to his right as he gripped my arms to catch his balance.

"But I don't like Goofy." I frowned, not being all that into Disney.

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