Hanging Out Like Best Friends Should.

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It was a nice day outside. Once I got off the bus my best friend, Kurt was there. We met in 5th grade. He is and always will be my best friend. But when I was in 6th grade I had feelings for him. Correction I do have feelings for him! I am now a senior in high school. And my feelings never changed. Even though he was my best friend. Somehow I ALWAYS wanted more! I just hope someday he realizes it too!

We got off the bus I started walking home. Then Kurt grabbed my arm and he said, "Jam bam (that's his nickname for me) what are you doing?" I was very confused. He always knew this was the way I walked home. Then I said "Walking home Kurt what does it look like?" I punched his arm (in a friendly way). Then he said, "I hope you don't mind if we go the long way." I didn't care if he refered it to the long way. If it was anyway I got to talk to him longer I would go with him. So of course I said yes. So we started walking home and I was loving every minute of it.

Then all of a sudden he yelled "Hey!" sounding all excitedly. Then he grabbed my arm and then all of a sudden we started running. I started laughing and getting a little worried at the same time. "Where are we going?" I said. "Just a few more feet." Then we stopped I was out of breath but I didn't care. We were in the middle of a field an empty field. "It's a beautiful day out." He said. "Why should we waste it?" He said then sat down and patted the spot next to him. Then I agreed I said, "Hmmm good point let's just stay here for a little bit." We stayed. I started writing some music. I am a musician and someday I hope a professional one. I was always only comterble writing music around Kurt. He is the only one that gets me. He's fine with it and he understand me and likes to help me too. So it's good for the both of us. Then he said, "Hey! Catch me if you can!" Then all of a sudden he stood up and started running. Of course I didn't want to be known as a chicken because I know he would never let it down! So I decide to go after him.

We started running laughing and running I didn't care if it hurt my ribs. Besides being with Kurt, I knew it was good for my heart! We started running. Then he stopped. I ran right into him. Then he picked me up and hugged me while spinning. Then we were both dizzy so we sat down. I knew at that moment I don't want him to leave my side. I am in love with him.

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