Some Words of Wisdom

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"Well Jamie. If you think this is important to you and can be your big shot, I think you should take it! Yes you would be missing school but during the break when we can we will bring you back! You have this big opportunity you shouldn't waste it!" "Hmmmmm, thanks dad! I think your right. It will be a huge decision and a big adventure but I'm glad you'll be their to support me!" "No problem honey, that's what the best kind of fathers are for!" He said that with his fatherly smile on his face. I was glad to have my dad their for me. Now it's time for the hard part I will need to tell Kurt.

I decided to wait to tell Kurt it was going to be hard but I know right now is not the moment. I just went upstairs to write some music. Practice is what my main focus has to be. Right now music is the only thing I need to think of right now. But at that moment Kurt was calling me. I knew I had to tell him the news. I answered. "HI." he said. "uhhh hi how are you?" Look Kurt I need to tell you something you may not like it but it has to come out." "what is it?" It's very hard to tell the one you love that your leaving but I kepy thinking in my head. Music music is my main focus now, I need to think about music now.  I kept stuttering I didn't know what to do my heart was pounding so fast in my chest it could fall out. "I-I-I-I- i'm leaving."

When Will He Realize?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon