Telling the One You Love Your Leaving

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"What do you mean your leaving you said you were gonna finish the school year I'm VERY confused!" "I know I know. But there was this singing show. It would be perfect for me! As my best friend you have to respect my decision and let me go." "I know I know I said that. But I didn't know it was gonna happen NOW! It's gonna be hard finishing senior year without you. I'm gonna miss you!" Those were hard words for me to swallow but I had to go. "Hey don't be disappointed, my dad says if I make it, he will try to bring me back here as much as possible so I can finish the school year here, with you. There's no point in going to a new school when there's only 2 weeks left. But this will not be the end so don't be disappointed. Please!" He sighed. "FIne. I'm letting you go. But if they don't let you through I will kick each and every one of their asses. Cause they would be deaf if they think you don't have talent!"  I smiled I knew Kurt was a true friend and it's just gonna make it harder for me to leave. He's the one that I'm going to miss the most. "Heh. Thanks Kurt! I appreciate it! I will talk to you when I can." "Okay."  "Bye" "Bye." That would probubly be the last time I will talk to Kurt for a while. Now I'm leaving in 2 days. And then I have to say goodbye to the one I love. In 2 days! It will be all gone. 

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