My Dream

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After I got home. My back was up against the door about how unbeliveable my day was! Whenever I'm with Kurt something amazing always happens. Because we have that connection. I just hope someday he realizes it like I did.

After I got up from lying next to the door, thinking about Kurt. I ran to my room. I dropped my stuff on the ground and hoped onto my bed. I don't really care about decorating. So my rooms kinda simple. I don't go in their all the time just when I want to left alone or I have to do something personal. I got my song book out and opened to the page where I left off. I had to call Kurt because I knew I couldn't finish the song without him.

I called he answered on the 2nd ring. Whenever I call he always answers in case it's important! We finished the song. Then afterwords I was talking to him about the serious stuff, my dream. "Hey can we talk about something personal?" "Your singing dream AGAIN!?!?!" "Hey stop joking around you know it's serious!" I said seriously. "Alright alright! Sooo what do ya have to tell me....?" "I am thinking more and more about performing trying to make it you know BIG!" It took him a second for him to respond. He probubly didn't have the right words to say. If I was in his shoes I wouldn't know what to say either!

"Hmmmm well I think the most important person that matters the most is yours. Listen to your heart in the end you'll make the right decision. And you know I will support you 100% whatever you do!" That made me feel like the best girl in the world! Having someone that's important in your life and shows that they care for you no matter where life takes you! "Thanks! You know I will always be their for you too!" "Alright I have to go Jam Bam." I sighed. "Okay. Talk to me ASAP! "Oh you know I will whenever I can." "Okie dokie" I said. "Bye love you" He said but he only means it as one good friend to another. "Love you to Kurt." If he only knew I actually meant it.

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