The Day I'm Leaving is the Hardest One of All

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 Well today is the day. Today is the day that I'm leaving. It was after school. I had to go straight home to pack last finishing touches. I was very disappointed because I didn't see Kurt get off the bus. I had to walk home. And the worst part of all he didn't even come to say goodbye.

I was opening the door to go into my house. And when I walked in, all the lights were turned off. I threw my backpack down after my last day of school, to go turn on the lights. Then there was someone behind me. They jerked me and grabbed me shoulders. I jumped a little. Once I turned around I saw that Kurt was right in front of me. I smiled and I was very grateful that I got to say goodbye to my best friend, and the one that I love.

"Hey Jam bam." He said with that smile of his. That always drew me wild! "Hey you! Your here! I thought you weren't gonna say goodbye." I said that while I was in his arms. With the last hug I will probably get from him in a while. "Of course I'm gonna come say goodbye to my best friend even though I know I'm gonna miss her." At that moment I thought we were going to have a moment, a very first kiss we would share. But I know that would never happen, we would only stay friends no matter how many times I imagined us sharing a kiss. I know when the time comes, (if it comes) it'll be PERFECT!

Moments later, before I knew it. I was about to leave. I started to sniffle. "Hey, don't get upset. This is your dream! Like you said, this isn't goodbye it's just a see you later. Go live your dream. Just know I will be here supporting you even if you don't know it! Now Go!" I started to sniffle once again, with tears in my eyes. I gave him 1 final hug. "Bye." I said while having the embrace being in his arms. I started carrying my bags with tears coming down my face. This was the end. Kurt might've said this was see you later. But now that I realize I'm gonna be in L.A. I knew in my heart, this was gonna be goodbye.

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