The Reuniting

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                                                                              Jamie's P.O.V

                                                               (after performing)

Whoa that's all I could say. What a rush that was! I was singing I sang until my little heart didn't let me sing no more. Thankfully that was after the performance. I really wanted to show America my talent the 1st night and I think I did that well! The audience seemed to love it! And I was loving the feeling of it. Like my dad always said, 'The first impression is always the most important impression!' Dad. I missed dad. At this moment, he is the only person I want to see.

My dad just flew in on the plane. It was his very first plane ride! Wow he must have been nervous. Afterwards, when I got backstage I saw my dad. I ran into his arms yelling "Dad!" Tears were running down my cheeks out of joy! It was great to be hugging my dad again, being in his arms again. It felt like FOREVER when I last hugged him, at the airport.

It was great, I got one of his big bear hugs. I sensed he missed me too! His scent, his grip when he hugs me, what he looks like, even his flaws! I love everything about my dad. And in that moment everything was going just the way they were suppose to be!

It was a few minutes later, when I raised my arms back to my side. During that moment, my phone was on silent. Afterwards, I checked my phone saying I had one missed call, it was from Kurt. I couldn't call him back! I knew it was wrong. I came here to become a singer, I have to not think about him. Music's my priority not him! Besides by the time I checked my phone it was already after midnight. Time went by fast when I haven't seen my dad in so long! And he walked me back to my room. And I walked towards my bed. And I fell right to sleep.

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