So Many Questions, So Little Time

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                   "Jamie talk to me! Tell me what do you mean exactly by sudden?" I could hear the nervousness in his voice. I could also noticed that he was getting tense. I know he must be hurting, because Kurt is never a person to get tensed.

                   "Well Kurt, I just think it's to to sudden. I do love you! I do I always have, but what's the rush? Yes it's our anniversary but you didn't have to go to extremes! Were 19! I don't think we should get married SO fast. Let's wait." I took a deep breath I had what I had to say now I just need to know what he thinks. "Jamie, I understand maybe your right. I think you are right! But now I feel like an idiot! A big one. I think I just need a bit to forget that this proposal happened."

                   "What do you mean? Does this mean were having a break?" "Yeah. I do love you I just need some time." After that he walked away. I was in shock shock I just didn't know what to do! I was so confused and heartbroken at the time. Were we over? Was he serious when he meant he still loved me? Is this the end? I have so many questions I just need some answers.

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