The Cheer Up

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                   I have been just doing what I have been, nothing exciting now that I made Kurt, my best friend, my boyfriend,possibly. I have been working on my music. More than usual, and half the songs that I've been writing have been about, Kurt. I have been hurt and confused would I want to be with Kurt again? It's difficult. I love him, but how would I know if he would hurt me again? I have some big choices to make I gotta think this through!


                   After Jamie and I took a break, nothing exciting. I have been moping around and have been tired of just sitting around. I guess I can say I'm just mad at myself! If I never did pop the question, then I would have never looked like an idiot and then also I wouldn't have gotten turned down by the one I love. I'm just lonely. I always had Jamie by my side but now that she's not there, I gotta try to get her back! I have to! It's my gut feeling.


I just need to get out of the house! So I decided I would go do something with someone that could cheer me up. My sister, Jessica. I grabbed my phone right away and texted her, Meet me at Infinety~Jamie. Within not even a minute, I got a response. On my way sis :) I grabbed my car keys and started driving off. Club Infinity is a under aged club. So it's the opposite of a real bar. Anyone under the age of 21 can come. But you have to be a teenager so that means you can go there from the ages of 13 between 19. This was my last year so I had to enjoy it when I can.

                   When I arrived I saw that my sister was already in the front of the line. So I literally had to scream to get her attention. "Jessica!" Once she knew I was here she told me to come see her. I ran fast but at the same time I didn't wanna look like an idiot greeting my sister so I slowed it down into a fast walk.

"Hey Jamie! I missed you! How have you been?" "I've been okay I just needed to be getting out of the house. Kurt and I took......a break." "Oh. My. Gosh. Why? You guys looked so cute together you were really good for each other! I'm sad to hear that. But let's not think about it. It's time to get you happy again!" "Sounds good to me!" The next thing we knew we arrived. The doors opened and we walked right in.

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