Days, Weeks, Months....Days Go By

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                                                                           Kurt's P.O.V. (since Jamie left)

It's been a couple days since my best friend left. 21 to be exact. School finished Jamie came back once or twice, but it wasn't the same seeing her smile everyday. I missed her. It's werid to say that about a best friend, but it was the truth. I missed my best friend Jamie. Maybe this is a sign? Am I starting to get feelings for her? Have I always had them?  I don't really know!?! It would be easier, if she was here. Only if she was here.

I watched the show "Born to be a STAR" to see Jamie perform. She did a song by The Script. She made it. I wasn't surprised I knew she had the talent to be a star and a star Jamie will be! So it is good news, and bad news for me because now I'm done with school. Everything I had planned was going to be with my best friend! She's gone and now I have this whole summer before going off to college alone. I have to go through life, alone. Without her. And BOY is it gonna be hard. I keep thinking in my head be positive, don't think about her. But the reality is, she's all I can think about!

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