Kurt's Encounter

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                                                                       KURT'S P.O.V.

                    "No Darry! I don't feel like going out. If you haven't noticed I haven't been like myself lately....." "I know it's because of of I don't wanna say it! So I'm just gonna say the 'J word' K I hope that's okay with you." "Hahaha! You always know how to cheer a guy up! I guess I'll go out. Where to?" Yes that's Darry. I haven't really mentioned him before because I have always had my mind on....well like Darry said, the 'J Word' but whenever I do need my bro around he's there! Bro's before hoes am I right?

                   "Well that's easy! Where's the place that anyone UNDER AGED can go to?" "Infinity" we both said simultaneously. "Alright. I'll meet you there lemme know when you get there. Thanks bro!" I hung up the phone and got in the car immediately.

                    "Hey bro!" I was very excited to go and greet my brother Darry! I haven't seen him since we were in school! "Kurt! Yo what's up my man!?!" We did our little signature handshake and walked into the club. Right when I walked in, I was going to head over to the Drink Bar. But I suddenly couldn't get my brain to get my feet to move! My eyes were locked on something to important, to heart shattering. Jamie. Jamie talking with the bartender. Him. He sickens me, he's hitting on her. I need to go find out what her deal is!

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