I Want You, You want me, Let's be together

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               I was in complete shock. Kurt was the most surprising person I thought I would ever had backstage. My heart was pounding like crazy! This is where what I said mattered the most. The words had to be perfect! This was a very crucial moment in my life.

"Kurt! Kurt? What are you doing here? How come your not home?" I was great full to see my best friend, the one I loved. But why would he drive all the way here to see me? Does he still only think of me as a friend?

"Cause Jamie, can't you see? Why else would I drive and take a 4 hour plane ride all the way here? Can't you see how desperately I am missing you?" "I'm really surprised Kurt. But as a friend why would you travel all this way?" He brushed my hair back, his hand was on my cheek I started to blush. I always saw this in the lovey dovey movies but I never expected this to actually happen in reality! Especially by far, this happening to me!

He leaned in and kissed me. "Can't you see Jamie? I have gone crazy without you home! Your smile you around me, your eyes everything! I never thought I could miss a person this much! But cause of you, I guess it's possible! Without you being here, I realized how bad my life sucks. The reason it's so great is because your in it! Your my life Jamie. And I don't know what I'd do without you! I am sorry it took me so long to realize this, and I might be crazy for saying this, but Jamie I love you." I was so shocked. I couldn't believe this would ever happen. Maybe in my wildest dreams but not in the real world.

"Kurt I didn't think you were this stupid! I always liked you. If it weren't for you I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be living my dream! You made my dreams come to reality! And your my dream guy Kurt. I love you too!" "Jamie you have no idea how happy I am right now!" "Likewise." We had another long lingering kiss. I always thought it would be great but not this amazing! We left with his arm wrapped around me and my head on his shoulder. I could never feel safe with anyone else. Kurt was the one for me! And there's not another moment that can be perfect as how I am right now!

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