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A simple mind battle was all it took. The everlasting pain, that was once our existence, ready to disappear into the oblivion of nothingness. My 15 years of existence at the white roomed labs, were about to be over. I stood, my white tank top, and leggings, gripped my body like a second skin. I wore the spare sweatshirt I had stolen from one of the people in white. It was a beautiful midnight black. My hair, brushing my knees, was tossed into a ponytail and shoved underneath the sweater. I shifted my shorter bangs to cover my left eye, I couldn't see from it anyway. I heard yells in the distance, as another experiment was conducted. I flicked,  my single dull eye around the room checking to see if I had forgotten a single necessity. I finally heard a quiet knock on my door, my brother had appeared, and we were ready to finally escape. 

I nodded to the man in front of me, "Are we prepared brother?" I questioned. My face blank of emotions. As he nodded I began to run, having grabbed the stark white backpack holding my part of the necessities.

"ALERTING ALL PERSONNEL! SUBJECT 31 AND 39 HAVE ESCAPED THE CONFINEMENT ROOMS! IF FOUND PLEASE REPORT TO THE GRINDING ROOM!" A loud voice on the intercom blasted causing my ears to flick in anger, and pain as I covered them with my hand. I growled in anger, stumbling. "Riella?!" My brother yelled, a worried tone in his voice. "I'm alright, keep going!" I yelled back. We kept running, until we reached an iron gray door. 

"What do we do now..." my brother said, losing hope of escape. 

"We break the door," I mumble, "that's what we do."

Moments later, and the rush of footsteps on cold tiles brought the crash of metal greeting the ground. 

Freedom was ours, and all we had to do now, was run. 

So we ran, and ran, and ran. Until we couldn't see the demonic white building. Or smell the chemicals. Or hear the pained screams of the tortured souls inside. 

Next up is Riella's brother, and @KatsTie Part of the chapter

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