Frozen Statues.

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I blinked awake to absolute darkness. Well, almost absolute; the only light shining was the moon and the stars above. A groan escaped from my mouth, my long wound throbbing. I instinctively curled up, making the pain only greater. Letting out a hiss, I then stretched out, and my nose touched something. Something soft, right in front of me. Trying to make out the fluffy shape in the darkness, my eyes finally adjusted, and it brought to my attention that the animal Riella and I had focused on saving was right in front of me. It's fur was matted with blood, but as I examined it closer, there were no real injuries; only multiple pricks from a thorn bush.

Grunting as I struggled to move, I pulled the animal closer to me with a paw, and began to clean it's fur. In the darkness, I could make out ridges on it's back. It looked much like a dragon, minus the wings and scales. I couldn't tell if it was a baby or not, but what I did know was that it seemed to be prey-- not a predator.

After cleaning up the wild creature, I glanced to my side, and saw Riella sleeping next to me. A flash of hurt stung through me, as I had a quick flashback of the girl's weapons digging into my flesh. She didn't mean it, I told myself quickly, setting my head on my paws, and trying not to yowl from moving too much. Fresh blood began to seep from the wound.

I started to feel lightheaded again, and I reluctantly welcomed the darkness.

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