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Felix POV

I held my sister in a sweatshirt I had stolen from the lab. It was white, with a big logo. I think it says something, but I can't read. They never taught us.

I could feel Riella twitching violently underneath the heavy clothing. "You'll need a house," the woman says once again, her voice softer this time.

I shake my head rapidly. "No! No, we'll live alone. Just leave!" I hiss, unable to suppress a tremble down my back.

The woman gives a half hearted smirk. "You're on my property," she replies with a cool aura. I could feel Riella shifting her paws underneath my sweatshirt. I shake my head again.

"What do you mean? Then just let us leave!" I cry, taking another step backwards. I looked for a way I could silently escape, but her eyes seemed to be focused on mine.

"Just come to my home. You'll be safe there."

"Safe from what? How can I trust you?" I yell. I could feel myself starting to shift. I pushed the thought to the back of my head.

"I killed the man who tried to kill you," she answers in reply, taking a small step forward. I could see a warmth in her purple eyes.

I supposed there was no where else to go. I could always fight her if I had to get out. She killed a full-grown man in seconds, my mind battled against my first reaction. I grit my teeth, but still stand firm with trusting her.

She beckons me to a small, warm-looking house. As she leads me through the threshold, I feel my eyes adjust to the brightness. A gray tabby cat strolled into the hallway that the door led into, and it jumped in surprise, it's amber eyes widened with alarm. I force myself to purr to keep it calm. "Follow me," the woman says to me.

I follow the strange woman as she leads me through the big, bright kitchen, and through a large oak door. Inside, there was a clean, white bed, with large windows on two of the creamy-colored walls. I set my sister on the bed, who was curled into a ball, twitching.

The woman switched off the light, and I spin around in surprise. "Get some sleep," she explains, and shuts the door. My long ears were pricked, listening for a lock, but there was none. She trusted them.

I yawn, and crawl into the bed, setting my sister onto the pillow. There, I fall into a fitful dream.

Screams echoed through the walls, and I lowered my furry ears, trying to muffle the horrendous sounds. I looked at my scratched and bloody hands. Long claws had started to grow from my nails. I stifled a sob, clutching my head in my hands. What did I do to deserve this?

The door swung open, and I gasped. No.

"Subject 31, please follow me." A man's voice boomed. His face was blurry, but a long white lab coat hung from his shoulders. I shuddered. My whole body was bruised.

"I can't," I cry, trying to get up but unable to. I slump into the hard, cold bed, shaking.

"Nonsense," the scientist hisses, and grabs my broken hand. I let out a squeak of pain, but he ignores it. The man drags me to a white room, like all the rooms were. Everything was white. Too white.

"No, no, not again," I gasp as he sets me into a seat. He puts clasps around my wrists and ankles. I start to shake as he pulls out a long, thick needle. "Caracal serum," he mutters to himself. I let out a silent plea.

"Stop fussing, it doesn't hurt." the man hisses. "Or you'll go to the Grinding Room. You don't want that, do you?" I shake my head. The Grinding Room was where they took experiments that were no longer needed.

As he inserts the needle into my arm, I wake up.

Sweat poured down my face. My breathing was rapid and shallow. I glanced over to Riella, who lay on the white pillow, her paws clawing at her ears. I stared at the wall, thinking of my memory, waiting for my heart to return to a normal pace.

Riella started to mumble. It got louder, and louder, and she was shaking violently. Tears started to slide down her furry cheeks. "Riella?!" I gasped, leaning over. I grabbed her paws, which were now clawing at her ears. "Riella,"I whispered, wrapping my arms around her lithe silver pelt. "Calm down little sister," I mumble gently. "Riella, calm down, you'll shift again." I stroked her head.

"I'm alright," she muttered, taking deep breaths. She gripped her tail with her small black paws.

"Are you sure?" I ask her, my eyes glinting with worry as she seemed to calm down. She nodded, and I heaved myself off the white bed. I then realized my sweatshirt was drenched in sweat, so I pull it off, wearing the bright white t-shirt underneath. Riella crouches, and then leaps onto my shoulders. She meowed loudly, and I looked at her, seeing that her right leg twisted in an unnatural angle. I take her off my shoulders, and cradle her in my arms, studying her leg.

"What happened to your leg, Riella?" I gasp, staring into her eye. She sighs.

"I tripped, earlier in the ditch," she explains. "Where are we?"

"The woman's house," I sigh, walking out of the dark room. The woman's pet, the gray tabby cat, padded up the stairs, and froze in surprise. It let out a warning hiss, it's eyes blazing as it stared at Riella.

Riella hisses in surprise, shifting in my arms, her hackles raised in defense. "Hush, Riella," I growl at her, jumping at the surprise of her immediate violent reaction.

"Morning!" a cheery shout sounds from below. "Come on down, breakfast is ready!"

I glance down to see my sister's thoughts. She nodded, and I walk to the staircase, taking a step down. Riella had her paws over her ears again.

"Alright," I murmur, "we'll go."

Next will be @KonKonRacuza and Riella

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