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I felt my body being picked up, and the warm sensation of a hug. I hissed in pain, knowing with my shift I must have injured my leg. I heard a quick rustle of fabrics, and the slight increase in weight told me that I was being encased in my big brother's sweatshirt. I meowed, alerting him of my gratitude.

"Yup," he said, "You're always welcome Riella." I slowly fell into the clutches of sleep, and darkness. And I knew. With Darkness came Dreams.

"Riella Red." A voice growled, hatred lacing the words in a venom of death.

"Curse you, curse you and your brother," The voice growled again.

"Why?" I asked, stumbling and confused, not unlike a newborn kitten.

"You have forgotten us," the voice began, "You forgot your own parents."

The beings closed in on me, terrifying me, and my only reaction was to clasp my paws to my head.

"Stay away, stay away, stay away..." I mumbled, jolting up from my unsettling nightmare, grabbing my ears. With a scream of absolute terror and sorrow, I felt my brother's presence rocket towards me. Tears began to stream down my face.

"Riella?!" he said, sitting on the side of the bed, and grabbing my hands from my ears. "Riella," he whispered, giving me a comforting hug, "Calm down little sister," he mumbles softly. "Riella, calm down, you'll shift again." I knew my brother was right, so I breathed softly, calming myself.

I sighed, finally calming down. "I'm alright now," I glanced towards him, my tail now clasped in my hands.

"Are you sure?" He asks me, looking at me as he notices my nervous movement. I nodded slowly attempting to console myself as he stood to leave. I quickly shifted and jumped onto his shoulders, the pain in my right leg increased, making me whimper in pain. My brother quickly pulled me off his shoulders, and held me, checking my leg for injury.

"What happened to your leg Riella," he asked urgently, worry was clear, and the anger that I hadn't told him, was evident.

"I tripped," I began, "Earlier, at the ditch, brother where are we?"

"At the woman's house," he muttered, angrily.

I looked around I had seen the cream colored room I had been sleeping in, and the beautiful house was clearly well kept. Twisting my body to get a better view, I saw that the many windows showed a clear view of the forest, and the many plants in front of the house the woman lived in. I saw another cat strut into the room, then hiss at me in fear I hissed back in an annoyed response.

"Hush Riella," my brother whispered, but we had been caught.

"Morning!" a female voice called, "Come on down, breakfast is ready."

I whimpered at the loud tone of her voice, gesturing to my brother to continue downstairs, I meow, still being held in a comforting, yet worried hold.

"Alright," he mumbles, "We'll go..."

Next will be  KatsTie and her POV

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