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I woke up the next night, and I quickly scanned my surroundings. We were still in the willow tree and the little rabbit-cat looking creature was still huddled near me, the spitting image of diligence. I looked up hearing the rustle of leaves, I spot Felix, probably checking out our surroundings as well.

"Hello brother," I greeted, rubbing the sleep from my eye.

"Hello Riella," the muffled response although quiet still echoed through the empty forest. I knew exactly where he was, so I stood and allowed the little creature to climb up my shoulder.

"Brother, what do you think of Rabi?" I asked, pointing towards the little rabbit-cat climbing up my shoulder.

"Do you mean the Willowrat?" he answers, tilting his head in question at the little creature perched on my shoulder.

"Willowrat." I said, my face blank, until I realized, "Oh. Yes I mean her. Does Rabi seem like a good name?"

"Interesting," Felix mumbles, not exactly concentrating on my question.

"Alright, I'll just name her Rabi," I then gasp in shock as I realize something, "We need to get you a Willowrat!" I exclaim.

"Why?" Felix deadpans, looking at me.

"Because! Then you won't feel lonely or anything because I have Rabi!" I state.

"Okay?" Felix looked confused, "I don't want a Willowrat though, I've heard they can be annoying, remember the one near Arachne's house?" Felix asks, looking at me with a knowing look.

"I'm still gonna get you one, if only for Rabi to have a friend," I pout, using puppy eyes and giving him a big hug to get him to agree.

"Grrrr..." Felix growls in annoyance, glancing down at me.

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