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I stood, scared. I was in an enclosed room. I didn't know where. So I assumed I was in another Laboratory. Terrified, I bolted to the door, quickly opening it to find a shocked and surprised man waiting, it looked like he had just started to reach for the door. "Where is my brother," I growled, my canines clearly showing, and my eye glinting with absolute fury. I knew full well I could crush him instantly if I wanted. I-I-I don't know! I can sh-show you wh-wh-where Boss is though!" the man stuttered, clearly terrified. "I don't need to see your 'Boss' or anyone else's. Now get out of my way!" I hissed. Flicking my ears back and forth, I hear the distant chatter, and the distant yells of fury. I knew them very well. Watching the pathetic man run like a child, I slowly walked in the direction of my brother's angered yells. "BROTHER!" I call, alerting him of my safety and location. "COMING!" he answers my call, running to my side. I turn to him, "Do you have our blade?" I ask. "I can't find it," he replies, "I think they may have taken it after they drugged us," I say, glaring at the men walking towards. Flicking a knife from the sheaths in my wrist guard I slash at them, shoving the attackers back several feet. "You guys are pathetic," I laugh out of anger, and slight insanity. "Let us get this over with," I whisper, a slightly insane tone to my already anger filled voice.

"Calm down Riella," Felix orders, despite the order I sense his hatred.

"Don't say my name," I force myself to say calmly, already hoping that Felix hasn't said too much.

"Whoops," Felix replies, an apologetic look on his face.

"Well," I start, "Too late now, might as well kill them all," I finish, lunging forward, with all the agility of my borrowed DNA, I land behind the group slashing them all into a corner.

"Will you stop the endless fighting," an ordering voice echoes through the cruel corridors.

"Why should we," I snap. "Stop our fighting, when we woke in a trap. Just. Like. Before." I spit my words out like poison.

"How do you still have weapons," the man questioned, he had noticed I had given my brother another one of my spare knives.

"Isn't it normal that an assassin has her weapons in the most unusual of places? Like my wrist guards, of my boots," I state, knowing full well I was pushing the line of anger.

"Ah," the man smiles, "So that is where they hid," he laughed, a good feeling of pride in his voice.

I was shocked, how had he not grown angry, I can usually pick up on how to anger my opponent. Arachne said I could anger them to use it to my advantage... I thought. My eyes were cold. My emotions frozen blocks of ice in my stony heart. I was angered. I felt myself slowly beginning to shift.

"Sister," I heard Felix say, worry in his eyes.

Tossing him my knife I finally allow myself to shift fully.

I twitched my ears, now in my larger form. Growling, I felt my brother rest his hand on my back, refusing my ability to leap forward. I continued to hiss and spit at the now terrified men. They apparently hadn't heard of my ability to shift.

"Let us out," Felix demands, his hand firm on the back of my neck, I purred slightly, trying to offer comfort. I shifted my hind legs to sit, a questioning look sent to my brother, asking if I should shift back to my human for or not.

"Would you?" he whispers. I nod and slowly shift back, maintaining my crouching position.

"Well?" I ask, "Are we ready to go or not?" I glare at the cowering and pathetic bandits standing in front of me.

As they begin to retreat I hear the voice of a man.

"Well, well, well," he begins to chuckle, "What have we here." This man was a leader, possibly the leader, glancing back at my brother I see him flinch at the voice. "Brother?" I tilt my head in question at him.

"Nothing, Riella," he replies.

"So you're the infamous Riella Red," The tall man laughs aloud, "I wasn't expecting to meet you so soon, especially with you crouching on the ground like a coward," his voice booms, and I wince, my ears picking up every single echo of his voice.


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