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I slept, and my mind explored the world of dreams. I felt protected and I didn't understand why. The world was filled with colors, and I created a body, it was simple, I was to excited to be able to focus very well. I quickly glanced at myself, I had silver shoulder length hair, my ears and tail were still the same, I was wearing a long flowing cloak, black leggings, and a lavender shirt that touched the top of my knees. I finished, and began to run, my mind allowing me to roam free in the forest. It was different from my reality, the trees were all green, the ground unscathed. When I watched the sky, it looked peaceful, it was such a pretty blue, it looked fake. The whistle, and speech of many flying animals left me breathless. I had no idea where I was, I slowed down, to a slow walk, as I continued to observe the world around me. Until I saw an ugly, tall, gray building, covered in windows, the sky suddenly turned a musty blue, and the air felt stale and cruel. The world went cold, and the bustle of voices echoed through the thoughtless air. Tension was high, and my soul felt abandoned. Where am I?! I thought, my thoughts ran wild, wishing for the hug of a forest mountain, and the calls of courting birds. I was confused, lost, and terrified, I opened my mouth letting out a horrified scream of anguish. As I watched my once beautiful world create this corrupted land of hatred and anger.

"Riella!" I heard my voice being called.

"Riella!" my eyes snapped open, glowing an angered silver. As I let out a scream of fury, scaring my brother and the now flying Tori.

"CALM DOWN," I heard Felix growl, uncovering his ears with a wince of pain, holding me in a hug, as I allowed tears to fall.

"What happened?" he asks, looking at me with a worried glance.

"I-I-It was horrible," I began, "The world went from a beautiful paradise to this horrifying gray, cold, and cruel place. These buildings with hundreds of windows sprang from the ground and there were too many people. I was trapped in this gray world, there weren't any flowers, or birds, or animals, the trees had disappeared, and it was ugly," I felt tears streak down my face, as I continued to sob my sadness at having watched the world turn gray before me.

I quickly looked up, hearing a growl from Felix, Why does he seem so angered?! I was close to a panic attack.

"I don't understand," Tori breathed, a horror filled look on his face.

"That was over 3 centuries ago," he continues, "The world was once filled with gray buildings called skyscrapers, they had many windows, and the world was dark, and cold." he looks up at the starry ceiling of the Planetarium.

"I don't know how you could have seen that, you couldn't have even been alive," Tori then looked at the ground a guilty look on his usually kind face.

"Why," I mumbled, terrified by the nightmare.

"Why would anyone allow the world to become that way?" I ask.

"I have no clue," Tori whispers, "The world, was never filled with well thought out plans. And humans may have been one of the worst." Tori looked upset, as he gently pet my head.

"Are you done," Felix hisses, not understanding why I allowed him to touch my silver hair.

I found the touch comforting, and warm, but apparently Felix did not agree. I continued to think about why Felix could be upset, when I hear a loud growl of anger rumble through the Planetarium. I jumped up, my senses tingling. As I watched, my brother shift, he was pissed.

"FELIX!" I cried, my voice cracking out of anger.

Felix growled again, before stalking up to Tori, I could hear the anger echo throughout the room, and I finally realized, I had ignored him, and he felt unsafe.


I cried, watching Felix, as his eyes widened, realising what had happened, and hearing my desperate call, and pleas to have him accept my apology.

He ignored me, and sprung, leaping towards Tori with blood lust leaking into his once caring features, poisoning his once loving aura. While I ran, worry, and anger fueled my movements as I landed. 

A Promise of DeathOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora