Rushed Voices.

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I stood suddenly, hearing the rush of voices. I hissed, allowing my fangs to grow, and my ears and tail to stay stiff in fear. I wasn't sure of who the people were, but I could tell that they wouldn't be friendly. As the voices became louder, I heard the ear splitting shriek of an animal in pain.

"Brother?!" I hiss out quietly, anger lacing my voice in venom.

"Let's go?" I heard him answer, a knowing look in his eyes. I giggled in an insane joy, I knew perfectly well about what would happen.

I lunged forward, bursting from the treeline into a group of rogue bandits. I let out a horrifying scream of fear and anger, calling for my brother to join me. I found the creature that had made those feared calls. The tiny creature shuddered, blood covered marks on its fur. It was about the size of a medium sized dog, but it had dragon like features, it let out a fear filled cry when a bandit lurched towards Felix, I started forward to see a silver flash. A dagger.

"BROTHER!" I yelled, terror cracking my voice, fear freezing me in my place, anger flashing through my eyes, and an echo in my head telling me to move, to call, to do something. I was helpless, I couldn't bring myself to do anything. I bit my lip, and the taste of blood allowed me to move again. I sung my blades, then let my chains free. They swung towards the blade, hitting the hilt, knocking it off its course. I don't know why I had been so scared of that blade, it was like something was off. I quickly spun when I heard the rustle of bushes, I flicked my wrist, allowing my needle sharp blades to circle me, circle of unbreakable death. I felt my eye widen when I saw who was there, it was the man. The man from the bandit camp that had kidnapped us. He was carrying a huge hammer, and looked furious.

"B-B-Brother..." I mumbled, my eye turned dull, I felt a pang of fear, worry, and hopelessness pile itself on me. I knew there were tears at the corners of my eyes, but I refused to let them cave through. I heard a sharp yowl of pain behind me, the call of the dragon like creature. Finally I noticed about 8 men standing behind the bandit leader holding something familiar.

"FELIX THE SCISSOR BLADES!" I yelled out my joyful rush, and thrill filled me with adrenaline at the sight of our beautiful blades. I ran forward, hearing footsteps behind me, and swung the blades faster, the look on my face dared my enemies to attack me while I was angered. I lifted my other hand, I wasn't holding blades at that moment, I lunged forward, allowing my other five blades to be released.

"This is for the stolen blades," I hissed as I swung the new blades at the 8 men, hitting 3 of them, only two were fatally wounded.

"Felix?" I call, just loud enough for him to hear me.

"Be ready for the ultimate price of stealing our scissor blades," I growled out.

"You go first sister!" I faintly heard Felix answer.

Suddenly, I felt everything I saw sharpen, the man in front of me smelled amazing, like a freshly baked bird. I felt confused, yet I pushed it away, enjoying the newly found sensations. I opened my eyes slowly, unaware of the beautiful golden rings around my pupils. I hissed, my canines sharp, my chained blades continuing to circle me in a deathly circle. I allowed myself to lean forward. My legs moved faster than my mind. I felt a joyous, tingling, furious sensation in my head. I wasn't thinking straight, my only goal was to reach the scissor blades I shared with my brother and retrieve them once more. I was unaware of my cruel smile, my cold emotionless eye, my whipping tail, or the circle of my blades speeding up more and more. I was only aware of the man I hurtled towards.

My body swung itself towards the man. His figure growing closer and closer. I snarled, swinging a hand out, the chained blades coming deathly close to his startled face.

"My, whatever happened to the docile kitten we once held in a cell," a bandit tauted.

"Seems we have a rampant stray," another answered, fear cracked his voice at my unknowing change. I jumped hitting them, the blades ripping their throats, and leaving claw like marks on their once humored faces.

I heard my brother yelling faintly. I felt my form stutter, as I felt my emotions take over.

"Felix?!" I snarled my question, terror lacing my words in echoes.

"What's wrong with her?" a bandit yells.

As I continued on I felt the rush of adrenaline and painted insanity as it grew on my mortality. They had touched the scissor blades I shared with my brother and they had to pay. I rushed in ignoring my brother's call for me to return, if only for me to save our newfound companion.

I moved quickly until a brush of wind shifted the bangs covering my eye. I stiffened after hitting the men charging me, and quickly covered my eye, snatching the scissor blade in one hand I sprinted off into the trees, calling for Felix to follow. 

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