I Dreamt.

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I dreamt. Unknowing of the present, yet knowing of the future, I figured, I'd deal with what happens when I wake. I walked forward, slightly curious, before I remembered, 'Curiousity killed the cat,' she said that when we lived with her didn't she.... I thought. As I continued to walk, I noticed many doors, each one labeled with a name, and a date from my past, reaching the end, I reached out. My fingers lightly brushing the handle of the door. It read, Felix and Riella, 213C, that was the year we'd met. I felt my hand form a fist, while crystalline tears fell. In memory of the day we'd first said our greetings. Smiling slightly, I turned, before thinking, if this was a dream, can I destroy these doors? Can I kill the memories that harm me? Can I save my brother? Shaking my head, I spoke, my voice cracking and cold. "To break my doors, is to kill my chances, To open them is to remember, so I will close them and walk to discover," I laughed, no humor inside it. "That's what you told me, right, Sara..." I sneered, "Look at where that got me, I want to blame you, but I won't, because my brother most likely loves you..." I spun and slammed my hand into the door labeled Felix and Riella, before opening it, and walking forward. Knowing the light I walked toward was my waking. The release of the dreamworld that reminded me of a nightmare. As I finally realized my real emotions. And my thoughts of the real world. I woke. My sapphire eyes, snapping open to see moons and stars.

"I'm sorry Felix, if only I hadn't swung my blades, if I only hadn't been here," I whispered, with tears falling down my cheeks, before I realized I had shifted back. I whimpered, shifted back, and went to sleep once more. As the sun finally began to rose, and the birds called, and my willowrat had curled beside me and the odd creature we had fought the bandits to save. 

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