Frozen Statues.

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I froze. A statue. Frozen with the single sound from my brother's voice. Sending me into an almost genocidal rage. Towards myself, my blades, and the bandits. They stood before me, in front of my line of sight, and my brother. No magic word would let me pass, until I blinked the dark spots disappearing showing the empty clearing. "FELIX," I screamed, allowing my blades to swing through the trees in my half insane rage. My voice filled with pain, as I spotted my brother laying in a pool of crimson death. His blood. Spilled. Because of me. I felt something click in my mind. I had tunnel vision, focused only on the safety of my brother and finding a way to save him. Quickly I shifted, to my stronger cat form. I growled lightly, before reaching my brother and grabbing the scruff of his neck in an attempt to either wake him, or move him. I was beyond my human thinking at that point, and my instincts lasted seconds, while my human half stood in agony in the back of my mind. Memories flashing. Falling from my fingers, desperate. For me to regain what I once thought was my humanity before I fell. Hitting the ground to lay next to my brother in my half dead state. And my collapsed form betraying, began to dream. 

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