Rowoon (fluff)

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You checked yourself in the mirror one last time, you had some tights with a baggy sweater on  and some boots. Was this too much? Maybe you should change. You turned to go to your closet to change your clothes for what seemed to be the 100th time but then you heard the doorbell ring.
'Shit he's here!' You quickly checked yourself in the mirror as you made sure your make up was ok and you combed your hair with your fingers. 'Calm down it's just a hanging out, it's not a date, it's not a date' you thought to yourself as you walked to your front door. You let out a deep breathe and finally pulled open the door.
"Hey!" Rowoon sung.
He was wearing jeans and a black long sleeve v neck shirt, his hair was parted and it was almost like a sexy mess.
"You look," Rowoon started and then stumbled over his words, "umm, I, umm ready to go?"
You felt yourself blush and you pushed your hair behind your ear and you grabbed your purse and followed after Rowoon. He lead you down to a taxi cab and he pulled open the door for you.
"Go ahead," Rowoon offered awkwardly.
"Thank you," you smiled and got into the taxi and Rowoon followed in after you.
You were both awkwardly sitting on separate sides, you would catch Rowoon looking over at you and when you looked over to him he would quickly turn away to his side and try to act normal.
"Umm, so where are we going?" You asked finally breaking the silence.
"Oh, umm, just this place, something I really enjoy, you're probably gonna hate it but I hope you won't," Rowoon explained as he nervously wiped his hands on jeans.
"I'm sure I will, we always have a good time," you said as you looked back out your window.
"Ya, but we are always with the guys, us all together is always a loud crazy time," Rowoon explained, "hopefully I won't bore you,"
"Of course you won't Rowoon," you protested as you turned and caught Rowoons gaze.
You both held the eye contact, his dark brown eyes felt like he could see right through you, as if somehow he could see how you truly felt about him. You quickly turned away, feeling like you were fully exposed and stared back out you window.
You finally started to look at the buildings that were around you, you didn't recognize anything and your eyes were taking in all the new buildings. The cab took an exit an soon you saw an arena.
'Were we going there?' You thought to yourself feeling a bit excited but also nervous, you knew little to basically nothing about baseball. How were you even going to keep a conversation with Rowoon with something you had no idea about.
The cab came to a stop at the entrance of the baseball stadium and Rowoon quickly got out and ran around the car and pulled open your door for you. Rowoon held out his hand to you to help you out of the cab, you shyly took his hand and felt his warm touch. His hands were soft but had a rough manly feel to them.
As Rowoon paid the cab driver you looked around and saw there were a few girls that were looking at him, some girls were even with their boyfriends and were almost scolding them after they saw Rowoon open the door and help you out of the car.
"Ready?" Rowoon asked as the cab drove off and you both stood in front of the huge stadium.
"Yea," you whispered, you could hear the sound of a huge crowd from inside and it made you nervous. You felt like you would do something stupid because you had literally no knowledge of baseball whatsoever.
Rowoon led you to the entrance and you both waited in line as they were checking tickets and telling you were to go for your seats. The crowd around you was building up and you pushed yourself closer to Rowoon feeling a bit claustrophobic. Rowoon looked over at you seeing that you were feeling a bit nervous and he reached down and grabbed your hand.
You felt your face get hot, you did your best to keep your eyes down as you both finally got to the checking point and were waved inside and pointed to your section.
"Did you want anything to eat?" Rowoon asked as he led you over to the concession stand with his hand still holding yours.
"Umm I'm ok I think," you answered with a shaky voice.
"Ok I'm at least gonna get us some waters and some popcorn, they have people who walk around if you change your mind." Rowoon explained as he stepped up to the counter and ordered the stuff.
You followed Rowoon, he had let go of your head as he held your guy's snacks and led you up he stairs to their seats.
"This way," Rowoon explained as he pointed out the seats you were sitting at.
You all were relatively close to the field and had almost a perfect view of everything. Rowoon let you go into the isle first and then sat down beside you. You were so nervous, you were with the guy you had a crush on for awhile but you had no idea what to even talk about because of your lack of knowledge of baseball.
"So what do you think?" Rowoon asked as he set everything down.
"It's pretty crazy, I've actually," you started, "never been to a baseball game before."
"Really? Oh man it's so much fun, I mean, if you don't know anything about it I'll tell you, just ask." Rowoon reassured as he smiled at you, "I really hope you enjoy this, it's one of my favorite things and..."
He stopped as he started to feel a bit shy.
"What?" You asked as you smiled at his sudden shyness.
"Umm, nothing, look here comes the team!" Rowoon said as he quickly changed the subject.
The game soon started and you watched, and tried to understand as much as possible. You weren't quite understanding but watching how excited Rowoon would get and how much he was enjoying himself you couldn't help but smile. You watched as he would jump to his feet when a play was happening, and would root when the team would score, you had never actually seen this side of him before, he usually was awkward and quiet.
You were standing beside him clapping, you had absolutely no idea what was happening but Rowoon seemed happy about the outcome so you followed along. The day had turned to evening and the lights in the stadium were on, the game was really close according to how Rowoon explained it and everyone in the stands were standing and cheering.
"This is it, he has to strike him out and we will win!" Rowoon explained over the crowd.
You smirked up at his face, his eyes were so into the game that you couldn't look away. Soon the whole crowd was cheering so loud that the stands were shaking.
"We won!" Rowoon cheered as he scooped you up in his arms and hugged you, "that was amazing! Did you see it! Oh my gosh that was the best game!"
You laughed out loud as Rowoon was jumping with you in his arms, you held on to him tightly to make sure he wouldn't drop you, but with his strong arms you felt safe.
"Look how cute!" You heard someone say and you looked up and saw people pointing at you guys.
"Did you see that! Wow that was so awesome!" Rowoon said as he pulled back to looks at your face.
"It seemed so intense," you yelled from over the crowd.
Rowoon smiled up at you as he still held you up in the air, soon he realized what he was doing and quickly put you down.
"Sorry, I umm," Rowoon tried to explain himself as the crowd around started to file out of the stadium, "you want to wait for the crowd to calm down before we head out?"
"Ya that'd be good, I need some water too," you said as you sat back down in your seat and grabbed your water and took a drink. You both sat quietly as you listened to crowds echoes through the stadium.
This was nice, the weather was just right at this time of night and you breathed in the fresh evening air.
"Did you enjoy yourself?" Rowoon asked.
"Yes, this was really a great first experience, I'm glad I got to have it with you." You answered as you smiled at him.
Rowoon smirked and bit his bottom lip, the crowd was starting to die down and it almost seemed like you two were the only ones left.
"Hey come here I wanna show you something," Rowoon said as he grabbed your hand and pulled you to follow him. You followed him down the tunnels through the dark halls.
"Rowoon where are we going?" You asked as he kept pulling you along.
"Shh," Rowoon said as he pushed his finger to his lips.
You smiled as you followed Rowoon, you didn't know where he was leading you but you trusted that wherever it was, it was going to be nice. Soon you came to an exit, but as you got closer you saw that it was the tunnel leading to the field.
"Rowoon should we be here?" You whispered.
"It's fine, come on!" Rowoon said as he pulled you along onto the field with him.
You looked around at the empty stadium, it was crazy how huge this place was, you could never see yourself being able to be in the field like this in front of all these fans and play a game.
"It's awesome right?" Rowoon asked as he led you to the center of the field to the pitchers mound.
"It's pretty, amazing," you breathed.
Rowoon watched you as your eyes wondered throughout the stadium and you finally faced him.
"Come here," Rowoon insisted as he held his hand out to you.
You took his hand and he pulled you onto the mound with you.
"I got you something," Rowoon said as he reached into his back pocket.
"What? When?" You asked curiously.
"When you left to the bathroom, I'm not even sure you will like it but," Rowoon explained as he took out a blue baseball cap of the team that just played.
You smiled.
"I think it's too big but you can adjust it," Rowoon explained as he fidgeted with the cap.
You took the cap from him as you looked it over.
"You hate it don't you?" Rowoon asked nervously.
"No I love it!" You denied.
"No you don't here I'll get you something else," Rowoon said as he reached to take it back.
"I said I love it!" You denied again as you pulled the cap away from him and quickly put in on your head.
He was right the cap was way too big and it covered your eyes. Rowoon chuckled and he lifted the brim to look at you.
"Thank you," you said as you smiled brightly at him.
"I like you," Rowoon said suddenly.
You didn't say anything, you could feel your cheeks turning red.
"Well say something, I mean at least tell me you don't like me back," Rowoon pouted as he ruffled his hair and turned away.
Without thinking you quickly went up on your tiptoes and kissed Rowoons cheek. He quickly turned back to you with his eyes wide, he wasn't expecting you to do that, but neither were you.
"You missed," Rowoon smirked down at you.
"Huh?" You asked as you tilted your head at him.
And without warning Rowoon put his arm around your waist and pulled you into his body. His lips were inches away from yours, you could feel your heart pounding in your chest. You waited for Rowoon to make the next move but, it seemed as though he wanted you take the next step.
You once again went up on your tiptoes, you closed your eyes and your lips met with his. It was a short and gentle kiss, but it was so much more perfect than you could've imagined.
Rowoon pulled back and smiled down at you, "that's a relief," Rowoon breathed as you stared up at him.
"What do you mean?" You asked.
"I wasn't sure if you even thought of me like that," Rowoon explained as he laced his finger in yours.
You grinned up at him as you tilted your head back more trying to see him from under the brim of the hat. Rowoon chuckled and took the hat off your head and put it on his own.
"Hey that's mine!" You complained.
"You can get it back later," Rowoon teased as he pulled you back into his arms and hugged you.
"Hey!" You heard someone yell from behind you.
"Opps we gotta go!" Rowoon explained as he quickly turned and pulled you after him.
"Hey stop!"
"Come on!" Rowoon called as you ran behind him with your hands still laced together.
"Rowoon!" You squealed as you felt the adrenaline of being caught.
"Hurry come on! If we get away I'll get us some dinner!" Rowoon yelled as he led you to one of the exits.
You laughed as Rowoon and you raced through the corridors. Even if you were caught, this was hands down the best night you had ever had.

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