Life before Dawon

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This is just a story. ❤

You opened your eyes. Your blurry vision cleared up and you saw his eyes watching you, he had a smile on his sleepy face. He gently cupped your cheek and he leaned in gently kissing your forehead.
"I have to go to practice now," dawon said as he pulled you into his warm embrace.
"Mmm, I wish you could stay longer," you replied as you closed your eyes and buried your face into his chest.
"Me too, but it's almost the end of the weekend, Monday I'll be free and we can go to the gardens again, get some coffee and walk around," dawon said as he slowly released you from his arms.
"Ok, be careful, text me when you get there," you said as Dawon sat up in the bed and pulled on his shoes.
"I will, get some more sleep, I just couldn't leave without seeing your eyes before I left," dawon explained as he turned and quickly gave your now pink cheeks a quick kiss.
"I love you," he whispered before he stood up and left the room.
"I love you too," you whispered.
You rolled over in your bed and closed your eyes, listening for the front door to open and close. When it did you let out a small sigh, how did you manage to get so lucky to end up with him. Before you met him, everything felt as if it would never get better.
You were always so rushed and trying so hard to please everyone else that you never thought of yourself. You knew you weren't happy, there had been times you thought about running away, and sometimes even worse.
You shook away the thoughts, you hated that you had been so lost, that you missed out on things that could've made you happy. But then you met him.
You had been running late for dinner with your family, you weren't even paying attention to your surroundings when you ran into him. You tried to get mad at him when you fell backwards, but when you looked up and saw his smile, everything changed.
"Hey, are you ok?" He asked as he leaned down and helped you to your feet.
You only nodded, you could feel your heart pounding in your chest, you didn't even know him but everything was screaming that you needed him. But you felt at that time you didn't deserve someone like him, you quickly hurried away from him, but it was like everyday after that you would always see him.
He'd always smile and wave to you, but you would quickly turn away and hide. You could feel that if you were to be with him, all your plans would change. And that scared the hell out of you.
But it seemed as though fate had other plans, no matter what, he was always there. When you finally built up the courage to talk to him you accused him of stalking you, he laughed at your allocations. God his smile was everything you needed. Somehow, he managed to break through your determined self and you finally gave him your number.
This is probably what saved your life.
You had a rough day, it was one of the worst, nothing was going right for you, you felt annoyed, angry that no matter what you did everything was wrong. He had called you, somehow even though you put on a hell of a show telling him you were fine, he knew.
An hour after you got off the phone with him, he showed up. You were so close to doing the unthinkable when he knocked at your door. You looked through the peek hole and saw him standing there with coffee and sweets in hand. You opened the door and you were greeted with his usual smile.
God that smile could cure you of anything, you didn't know how much you needed him. You had let him in and you both sat on the couch, he didn't push the subject, he talked about anything besides making you talk about what really hurt you. He made you laugh so much, that you finally broke down.
He held you in his arms while you cried, he listened to you sob out your life story, how you never felt important. That you could never find your place in this world, that you finally wanted it to all end. How could someone you barely know break down these walls of emotions so easily, you were sure you'd scared him off, but then.
"I want you to come somewhere with me," Dawon said.
He had you quickly get a coat and your shoes on and you followed him out of the apartment. He held your hand the whole way there, he wasn't letting you feel alone again, he didn't want to let you go.
He led you to a beautiful garden, there were flowers in bloom all around as he led you through the maze of flowers. He finally stopped, beautiful white flowers towered around you both and you could almost feel your pain going away.
"I don't want you to feel like that," he started, "this is a place I came to often, when I first saw you, you reminded me of this place, this flower. You were so innocent and pure, like these flowers. I've never picked one, because I didn't want it to die, but with you, it's like you were a flower out of its roots, you needed to be cared for. So when I kept seeing you, no matter where I'd go, I knew, you needed me. I want you to know that, I'm here for you, to care for you, even if it's just as your friend, I'll be there, but I can honestly tell you that, I fell in love with you the moment I saw you."

You smiled to yourself as you opened your eyes, you saw the picture of you and him together by your bedside. You'll always remember that moment he saved your life, that moment, you realized, you loved him too.

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