Youngbin (angst/fluff)

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You snuck into FNC entertainment, the staff knew you were coming but you wanted to surprise your boyfriend Youngbin since you hadn't seen in for a few days. You quietly roamed through the halls to the practice room and peeked inside. All of sf9 was there and they were standing around discussing their plans for the week.
You kept your head down knowing that Youngbin was in the middle of talking and didn't want to interrupt. You were watching him when you noticed that the maknae Chani spotted you. He made a face at you and you made one back. Chani chuckled and he stuck out his tongue and you decided this was war.
You did the best ugliest face you could as you scrunched up your eyes and distorted your face. You giggled to yourself and opened your eyes but looked up to see Youngbin standing in the window grinning at you.
Your face flushed red realizing all the guys had just seen you make probably the worst face ever and were laughing out loud. Youngbin pulled open the door and you quickly stood up trying to act as innocent as you could.
"What are you doing here?" Youngbin chuckled as he let you walk into the room.
"I umm,"
"I think she forgot to take her medicine again!" Chani teased as the guys all finally let go and their laughs filled the room.
"I, umm, sorry, I was," you started then shot a glare at Chani, "I had the day off and thought I'd surprise you."
"Oh jagi, thank you, but I have so much to do today, I probably won't be free till later," youngbin explained as he pulled you into his arms and gave you a hug.
"Oh that's ok," you said a little disappointed.
"You came all this way, I don't want you to go home only to turn back around to see me, maybe we can do something this weekend?" Youngbin suggested as he stared down at you.

"Well, do you mind if I just hang around the building, I won't get in your way, and this way we can still do something tonight." You explained not wanting to wait till the weekend.
"I mean, if you want, there's not much to do here," youngbin said as he started to think about the idea of you waiting for him.
"It's ok, I don't mind," you said as you gave him a smile.
"Ok ok, I'll do my best to get done early and we can have the rest of the day to be together," Youngbin agreed not being able to deny your bright smile.
"Awesome! I'll let you guys get back to your meeting, sorry for interrupting you said as you gave a quick bow and left the room.
You exited the room and started back through the hallways, you found a small sitting area and plopped down on the couch. 'Ugh this sucks but, I miss him,' you thought to yourself as you grabbed one of the magazines and started to flip through it.
"Ooo! Kwon Jiyong! He's so handsome! But why is he prettier than me? I cry," you said out loud as you talked to yourself.
"Probably cuz he's not a weirdo who talks to himself," you heard a voice and you quickly shot up and turned to see none other than the maknae watching you with a smile.
"Aish, I thought it was someone important," you sighed as you laid back down and covered your face with the magazine.
"Noona," chani called, "are you sure you're older than me? You act like a child!"
"Ya! That's not true! I just, like to have fun!" You argued as you threw the magazine at chani who was now sitting on the armrest of the couch.
"Well noona, I have a new video game, and I need a second player to finish the next level," chani said almost in a whisper, "you want to help me?"
"Do I want to help you? Is that even a question?" You said as you glared at Chani, "of course! Let's go!" You finished as you jumped to your feet and Chani ran in front of you leading you to the main common room.
"Ok noona, I'm relying on you, I tried to get Dawon to help me but, you know him he stinks at video games," Chani explained as he turned on the game console.
"Please, I'm a pro," you bragged as you took the extra remote and waited for the game to start.

A couple of hours had flown by and you and Chani were still playing the video game. Chani had even ran to the dorm and grabbed some snacks to hold you guys over as you continued your game-a-thon.
"Noona noona go! Go go go!" Chani screeched as you were close to beating the next level.
"Ya!!!! " you screamed as your smashed the button to try and run faster.
"Yea!! You did it! Next level!" Chani cheered as you threw your remote in celebration and gave Chani a high five.
"What are you guys doing?" You heard and you both turned to see youngbin standing in the doorway.
"Ah Hyung! We are just playing this game, are you done with everything?" Chani asked as he stood up brushing the popcorn off his lap.
"Not yet, (y/n) did you eat?" Youngbin asked as he looked over to you.
"Are you free for lunch?" You asked as you jumped up.
"I still have stuff to do, so I'm getting something quick then meeting up with the managers," youngbin explained and you let your shoulders drop in disappointment.
"Noona, we can keep playing if you want," chani suggested.
"Ya I was just checking on you is all, making sure you weren't bored," Youngbin explained.
"Oh ok, well, I'll be waiting then," you agreed and youngbin gave you a small reassuring smile then left you and Chani to go back to your game.

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