Still my...

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It had been almost a month since he heard from her, he always picked up his phone wanting to know how she was, but he always decided against it. He pulled on his jacket and started for the door, he didn't know where he was going but he knew he needed to be out.
He walked through the busy city streets, he started to remember all the times they had together. 'Why now? Why was this all coming back again?' He ran his fingers through his hair, he had to see her.
He found a nearby store and grabbed a gift he could bring her, he needed to apologize for all the things he put her through. He started down the streets again stopping at a corner waiting for traffic to come to a halt so he could cross.
He watched as the cars passed by quickly but then he looked across and saw it. It was her, he felt his heart ache at the site of her, how could he have been so stupid to let her go. He smiled to himself as he started to build his courage but then...
He saw another guy, he put her arms around her from behind and she smiled as she held onto his arms. His world fell apart around him, he watched as they both stared at each other as he held her. 'It should've been me,' he thought as he slowly started to follow the crowd and crossed the street.
He followed after them for awhile watching them play with each other and smile at each other. She had told him she had moved on, but he couldn't believe that she really had. He always thought she would be there for him, that as much as he pushed her away she would wait for him to stop being crazy.
He chuckled to himself as he squeezed the gift he had in his hands feeling frustrated and angry at himself. He let the gift drop to the floor, all he had wanted was gone, but he couldn't bring himself to go and fight for her. She looked happy, this is what he wanted. He should've realized that he should've been the one, but it was all too late now.
He turned away and started to walk, he didn't know where he was going but he couldn't stand to keep watching his one love being taken from him. He couldn't stand that the lips he once wanted were now someone else's, that the hand he should be holding was laced in someone else's.
He stopped at a quiet park and looked up at the sky, he stared up at the stars, wishing that now she could be happy. That even if he wasn't the one she would be smiling for, that she would be held the way she should be. That this guy could give her everything he should've in the first place.
He let out a small chuckle to himself.
"You idiot, you lost her,"

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