Tell me...

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He slowly made his way back to the dorms, he was trying to wrap his head around the fact that had to really let her go. He laughed to himself again, all this time he thought she was the one that wouldn't let him go but it was him all along.
The grip that he felt on him wasn't from her, but was on himself like he knew that she was always the one. The one that he should've been with, and it was over.
He covered his face in his hands as he stood in front of the entry, he rubbed his eyes tired with all the tears of regret he was holding back. He shook his head and opened the doors and went inside, he started up the stairs to his room. He needed to wash away the night, he needed to wash away all the memories of her with him.
He pushed open the door of the dorm and made his way to the bathroom, he peeled off his clothes and turned on the shower. The hot water fogged up the bathroom and he stepped into the shower. He closed his eyes trying to keep his mind away from her, but all he could do was see how he was with her.
He could see their lips together, the way his hands would touch he soft skin. He felt anger brewing inside of him, no matter what that other guy did it wouldn't be right. He wouldn't hold her the way she needed to held, he couldn't truly make her happy.
He slammed his fist against the wall and turned off the water. He quickly dried himself off putting his clothes back on and started for the door with his hair still wet. He had to take her back, she didn't belong with this other guy, she was supposed to be in his arms not this other guy.
He pulled open the door and ran through the halls making his way back downstairs. He pushed open the doors and started back to where he last saw her, of course she wasn't there.
His eyes darted around the crowd searching for any signs of her. He pulled out his phone wanting to call her and when he did he saw a text.
"Where are you,"

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