Still my... (part 2)

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You smiled as he put his arms around you, but you could feel your heart ache. It still wasn't the same, but you kept telling yourself that it would change soon. You followed with him as he had his hand laced in yours, you laughed as he would tease you and give you small kisses on your cheek.
But it wasn't the same.
You tried to keep your mind from wondering but you felt like he was there, somewhere in the crowd. You turned your head looking through the crowd searching for him, but you didn't see him. You felt the other guy put his arms around you and pull you along to the next thing, you smiled to yourself, 'of course not, he wouldn't be here,' you thought to yourself as you started to walk but then your eyes caught something that was on the ground.
You pulled away from him and bent down picking it up, it was a small stuffed animal, your favorite to be exact. Your eyes darted through the crowd, he was here?
"What's this?" He asked as he took it from your hands.
"Stop give it back!" You protested as he teased you from getting it back.
"This one was on the floor and dirty, I will get you another," he said as he tossed it into a trash nearby.
"Hey!" You protested.
"Besides that character is weird, I'll get you something better," he said as he pulled you away from the trashcan but you couldn't bring yourself to look away from it.
He was the only one who could've gotten you that, the character was a weird one but he knew you loved it for that reason. But you shook away the thoughts, 'it couldn't have been, he wouldn't have done this, he didn't want me,'
You tried to keep your mind away from him but no matter what she could feel that this wasn't right. You looked over to the guy, no matter what he would never compare to the one you truly loved.
"I can't do this," you whispered interrupting him.
"What? Is something wrong?" He asked as he stopped and stared at you shocked.
"I can't be with you, I need to leave," you said as you chocked back tears.
"Ok I'll walk you home and we can talk tomorrow..."
"No, I can't be with you, I can't do this," you said as you pulled your hand away from his.
"(Y/n)?" He said as he reached to you again.
"I'm sorry," you whispered as you took a step away from him, "I love someone else,"
The words hung in the air and you watched as he bowed his head in disappointment.
"I was hoping I could change that, but it seems that no matter what, he will always have you," he said as he laughed to himself, "ah, it's ok, go,"
Your heart started to race, you knew that if you didn't find him tonight, it would be the end.

That he would be gone from you forever.

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