Shut up and... (part 2)

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You stared at your phone, he hung up again, you didn't understand what he was thinking. You placed your phone on the counter and looked up into your mirror. 'What did he want, I never pushed him to try and have feelings for me, all I want to know is that he's ok, that he knows I'm here,'
You paced around in your room, and saw your phone light up, you hoped for him, but it wasn't. You opened the message and smiled at it, but then your smile faded. You couldn't keep your thoughts away from him, you wanted nothing more to know that you were ok, that everything between you and him was fine.
You sent back a message, this could probably the only he could ever believe you wanted the best for him. You changed your clothes and fixed your hair, you checked yourself in your phone one last time but still saw nothing from him.
You hated that you couldn't take away whatever was on his mind, you just wanted things back to they were, when you could see him happy. You grabbed your bag and left the house, you went to where they had said to meet and sat at a table. You stared out into the dark wet streets, you hoped that with everything in that this was the right decision. That doing this he could move on, and you could go back to how it was again.
You tapped your fingers on the table feeling like you had a hole in your heart, it hurt knowing that you'd have to disregard all your feelings you held for him. But in order for him to be happy again, you had to let him go.
"Hey," you heard as you were brought back from your thoughts.
"Hey," you responded as you stood up and hugged him.
You closed your eyes, it wasn't the same, it wasn't who you wanted. But you could learn to love him like who you truly had feelings for. You both sat at the table and ordered your coffee, his eyes stayed on yours and he listened to everything you said. You laughed together and found yourself getting lost in a new world with him.
This was the way it had to be, you had to move on, you had to love this other guy for him to be happy again. You looked over to your phone but it was still blank, you met the others guys eyes and he smiled to you.
Yes, you could learn to love him, even if you had let your true love go. You felt his hand reach over and hold onto yours gently, you'd have to forget about every way he had made you feel. You had to have those memories be washed away, you had to find a new love. For the sake of his happiness,

You had to.

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