Chanhee (fluff)

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You waited outside the main mall entrance, you had shown up a few minutes early. It was your first time hanging out alone with Chani so you were nervous excited and scared all together. You had probably changed your outfit 4 times before you remembered, 'it's just hanging out nothing serious,'
You had finally decided on just some casual clothes jeans with a baggy sweater and your usual pick of converse. You had a beanie on covering the mess you made of your hair by first straightening it then deciding to curl it then realizing, this was a horrible decision.

You checked your phone, it's almost time, where is he though? It's fine you were early he'd be here soon, besides he does have a busy schedule. You put your phone back in your pocket and looked up to see Chani jogging towards you.
"Hey! Sorry I'm late, I was finishing practice with the guys," chani explained as he stopped in front of you, trying to catch his breath.
"Oh it's fine," you said quietly.
Chani was dressed in some semi nice attire, he had jeans with a blue sweater on and his hair was slightly parted. You could smell his cologne, you had never known Chani to wear cologne, was he as nervous as you?
"So umm are you hungry?" Chani asked as he scratch his head.
"Ya, kinda" you replied still avoiding his eyes.
"There is his new place that opened up, you want to try it out?" Chani asked.
"Ya that sounds good," you answered.
"Ok umm, it's this way I think," chani said as he pointed in the direction.
You took your place beside Chani as you both walked down the sidewalk.
"So umm, were you waiting long?" Chani asked trying to find something to talk about.
"Oh no, I got there maybe a few minutes before you," you answered as you messed with the edges of your sleeves.
"Oh good, I was worried I made you wait long, we were doing a last minute practice and the guys, they were teasing me." Chani explained realizing he gave you too much detail and became embarrassed.
"Teasing you?" You smirked.
"Aish, nothing it was dumb," Chani said blowing of the subject.
Chani nervously sped up when he saw they were near the small cafe that had just opened. Chani quickly opened the door for you to walk in. You smiled nervously at him and walked inside, it was warm and smelt so good inside. Chani led you up to the counter and he started to look through the menu that was displayed over head behind the counter.
"Anything you want?" Chani asked.
"Umm I'm not sure, I've never heard of some of this stuff." You replied as you looked at the menu confused.
"Hmm we should get something light, maybe we could share something, there is still more I want to do with you today so we can get a meal when we get there." Chani insisted as he smiled over to you.
"What else are we doing?" You asked excitedly.
"No way! it's a surprise!" Chani teased then finally decided on something you both could share.
After you had the small shared snack chani and you walked over to a bus stop together.
"So now where?" You asked.
"Can't say it's a secret," chani answered as he pressed his finger against his lips to shush you.
"Awe please, I'll still act surprised," you pouted as you clung onto chanis arm without thinking.
Chanis face grew a bit red, you quickly pulled away and felt yourself blushing as well.
"Sorry," you whispered as the bus pulled up.
"Umm, no worries, come on," chani stuttered as he took your hand in his and guided you into the bus.
He found a seat for you to sit, but since it was crowded chani stood beside you, holding onto the bar above.
"You can sit if you want," you insisted as you tried to stand up.
"No it's fine, it's not a long ways from here," chani said as he gave you a small smile.
You looked away, even though you had been friends before this you had always liked chani. He always seemed to be well liked by everyone so you would've never thought he would ask you out. You stared down at your hand, you could still feel the rough warm touch as he held it when he pulled you onto the bus, you smiled silently to yourself.
"Are you ok?" Chani asked and you jumped at his voice.
"Oh yes sorry, just dozed off," you answered quickly.
Chani chuckled and soon the bus was coming to a stop.
"We're here," chani announced.
You looked out the window and saw that you were at a small amusement park that was near the ocean.
"Oh my gosh really!!" You asked excitedly as you jumped up when the bus came to a stop.
"Of course, I remember you talking about how you haven't been to an amusement park so, I figured we could do just that." Chani answered as he led you off the bus.
"But I don't go because it's so expensive, are you sure chani?" You asked as you both stepped off the bus and looked at the rides.
"It's no problem, I think we could go on maybe 5 or 6 rides and then we could play some games and get some great food from around here." Chani said as he led you to the entrance.
"Well, ok" you hesitated as you followed behind.
Chani paid for your tickets and you followed him in, it was quit busy today since it was a weekend. Some kids pushed past you and you got drug into a crowd.
"Chani?" You called as you tried to look around for him but the wave of crowd was pulling you away from the entrance.
"Chani?" You called again as you pushed your way out of the crowd and finally looked around but couldn't find him, "Chani!"
"(Y/n)!" You heard chanis voice.
You quickly turned and saw Chani running to you, you were relieved at the site of him.
"Geez I thought I lost you!" Chani panted as he stood in front of you.
"Sorry I got swept up in the crowd and since I'm so much smaller I..."
Chani grabbed your hand and started to walk, your words stopped as Chani pulled you along with him to one of the rides. Once you were in line Chani still held onto your hand tightly.
"Umm Chani," you said quietly.
"You don't have to hold my hand,"
"I want to..." chani interrupted, "I mean, umm, i just, I don't want to lose you again."
You smiled shyly to yourself, chanis grip never loosened even when you were up next to get on the ride. He guided you to the seat and then sat next to you.
"Hey, isn't that the one guy from that new group?" You heard a girl whisper to her friend.
"Ya it is, what's he doing here with someone like her though?" Her friend replied and you felt yourself almost feeling defeated.
They were right, chani was defiantly out of your league, why did he even want to take you out. And as if chani was reading your mind he leaned over to you and gently kissed your cheek.
"I like you, that's why," chani whispered into your ear and soon the ride started.
Chani gripped onto your hand and the rides speed soon picked up. But your heart wasn't racing because of the ride, it was racing cuz of chani.
After you all had ridden a few rides you and chani raced over to booths that had games. There was a water gun shooting game that you and chani played against each other.
"Don't be too disappointed when I win!" Chani teased as he readied his water gun.
"Don't start crying when I win," you shot back and then the light signaled for you to start.
You both started to hit your target but chani was better than you, not ready to give up you decided to cheat. You nudged chani making him miss his target.
"Hey quit cheating!" Chani whined.
"Never!" You replied giving him another nudge and soon you were winning.
"You know what," chani said and hen he turned his gun to you and he started to spray the water at you.
"Oh my gosh! Kang Chanhee!" You screamed as the cold water hit you.
"Hahahaha!" Chani sung and started to shoot his target again and soon got back into first place, just when the timer ended the game.
"And I win!" Chani teased and he put his water gun down and smiled cheekily at you.
You glared up at him chani got closer to you to give you a hug and with your gun still in hand you quickly sprayed him with water right in his face.
Chani froze with his mouth open, "I can't believe,"
"Hehehe doesn't feel so nice does it," you teased as you quickly put you gun down and ran away.
"Ya! Get back here!" Chani called as he chased after you.
You let out a squeal knowing there was no way you could out run him. You surprisingly made it to the boardwalk by the ocean before chani finally caught you in his arms and spun you around.
"Ok ok I'm sorry!" You screamed.
"I can't believe, here I am taking you out on this lovely date and you sprayed me with water!" Chani teased as he still had you in his arms and he started to carry you over to the edge of the rails like he was going to throw you over.
"Chani no stop!" You screamed as you started to squirm.
Chani laughed as you struggled in his arms and only held on tighter.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry!" You plead as you covered your face.
Chani stopped moving, you slowly lowered your hands and turned and held chanis gaze. His hair was slightly wet on his bangs and his face was only inches from yours. Chani made the first move, he slowly neared his face to yours and you instinctively closed your eyes.

"Hey is that chani?" You heard a voice call.
Chani quickly pulled away and let you down, you both turned to see of course the rest of the guys from sf9.
"What are you all doing here?" Chani asked nervously.
"We were just walking around, is this her?" Dawon asked as he skipped over and looked you up and down.
"Umm hi," you said nervously.
"Come on guy's let's leave them alone," Rowoon insisted as he grabbed Dawon and pulled him away.
"Can we at least meet her!" Dawon pouted.
"Sorry we didn't mean to interrupt," Youngbin apologized.
"Ya sure, you guys wouldn't leave me alone about meeting her so I'm not surprised you followed me." Chani said as he rolled his eyes.
"Hey we wouldn't have had to follow you if you would've let us just meet her from the beginning!" Jaeyoon cried out and quickly covered his mouth.
"Ya! So you were following us!" Chani argued as he glared at his hyungs.
"Sorry, we just, wanted to meet her, or at least see her, we wanted to know who this girl was that stole our maknaes heart!" Dawon teased.
Chani glared at them, "come on let's go!"
Chani grabbed your hand and pulled you away from them.
"It was nice meet you all," you called back to them as chani pulled you along with him.
The guys waved a quick good bye before chani had pulled you around he corner down to the beach area. The sun was still up but it was starting to slowly set into the ocean. You could tell chani was still upset by the way he was pulling you along side him as you walked to the beach.
"Umm chani," you whispered.
"Hmm?" Chani hummed.
"You're hurting me," you said quietly.
"Oh, I'm sorry (y/n)," Chani said quickly as he loosened his grip on you, "I'm really sorry about them,"
"It's fine Chani, I didn't mind," you responded as you both came to a stop and watched the ocean together.
"I knew they would embarrass me like that, that's why I tried to avoid the situation, but I guess I made it worse," Chani explained as he sat down on the sand and you followed after him.
"My family would've been the same way," you responded.
"Well they didn't come here though so my family seems I bit more, weird." Chani sighed.
"Well I mean if you wanna meet weird you'll have to meet my dad he is quite a mess." You explained as you brought your knees up to your chest and rested your chin on them.
"Can I?" Chani asked.
"Hmm?" You asked as you turned and looked up at Chani.
"Can I, meet your family?" Chani asked as he held your eye contact.
"Umm, sure I mean if you want to..."
"I do!" Chani interrupted.
You smiled and Chani smiled back to you, a cold breeze rose around you sending a chill through your body.
"We should get going, its late, and I don't want you to get sick," Chani said as he stood up, brushing the sand off of him and then held out his hand to you to grab.
You placed your hand in his and Chani pulled you into his arms and hugged you.
"Next date, I want to have dinner with your family," Chani said as he held you tightly giving you his warmth.
"Ok," you responded.
"Promise?" Chani as as he leaned back and held out his pinky finger for you to pinky promise.
"I promise," you giggled as you laced your pinky in his.
Chani smiled and you both walked along side each other.
"Does this mean I can hold your hand?" Chani asked.
"Yes," you sighed.
"And I can come by and walk you home from school!?"
"Chani only when you have time!"
"Can I, call you jagi?"
"Ok ok, we will wait for that next step."
You giggled as Chani laced his hand in yours, 'this boy' you thought to yourself as you walked along side him and talked about random things.

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