Chani(fluff) 2

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You heard a voice calling you, you rolled over in your bed pulling the covers tighter around you.
"Noona, wake up,"
You grunted it was too early to wake up.
"Noona, come on," you heard again and this time they gently pulled the covers from over your face.
You slowly opened your eyes and met his brown eyes, he smiled gently at you and gently traced his fingers on your cheek.
"Chani, what are you doing here so early?" You asked feeling embarrassed that he was seeing you when you just woke up, "don't look at me I look horrible." As you pulled the covers back over your head.
"No! Noona you look beautiful!" Chani denied as he pulled the covers back down.
"Don't lie to me Kang ChanHee" you glared up at him.
"I think you're beautiful all the time, so to see you like this, your natural beauty, makes me realize how lucky I am," Chani explained as he gave you a small reassuring smile.
You felt your face get hot and you quickly sat up, "why are you here so early?"
"It's your birthday noona, I have a full day planned for us!" Chani answered as he sat down on the bed beside you.
You rubbed your eyes as you tried to wake up more, 'birthday?' you thought to yourself.
"Get dressed noona, I'll wait for you in the living room. But hurry we have a big day!" Chani encouraged as he gave you a quick kiss on your cheek and left the room feeling embarrassed at his actions.
You put your hand to your cheek where Chani's lips had gently brushed, you weren't even fully awake and this boy was already causing you to be an emotional wreck. You quickly got dressed and made your way to the living room, Chani was sitting on the couch nervously biting his nails.
"I'm ready!" You announced and Chani quickly stood up giving you a bright smile, "but Chani..."
"You great! Let's hurry!" Chani interrupted as he walked over to you and grabbed your hand and led you out the door.
"Chani wait," you tried to say.
"We have to hurry noona, you can tell me when we get there," Chani said as he quickly led you out the door and pulled you behind him to the bus stop.
The bus was almost empty while you guys were on it, after a few stops Chani stood up quickly and grabbed your hand.
"This is our stop!" Chani said excitedly as he hurried you out the bus.
"Chani what are we even doing?" You asked as you both walked out into the cold streets.
"Shh it's a surprise come on!" Chani said as he pulled you along down the sidewalks.
Chani finally found the place he was looking for and he hurried you into the warm building. The building felt almost deserted but it was too nice for there not to be people here. Chani grinned at you and reached to take your jacket off for you.
"Chani what is this?" You asked as you let him slip your jacket off and hang it up on the coat rack.
"Just wait ok?" Chani said as he quickly took off his jacket then quickly led you through the building.
After awhile of walking you both were standing in front of two giant doors. Chani turned to you with a huge grin on his face, then he pushed the doors open and when he did it led to a huge room that had a giant glass ceiling. You could see the snow falling down on the outside of the roof and the room was decorated with beautiful snow like themes.
There were different booths, some serving peppermint hot chocolate and some with different foods. There was also booths that were set up with games and in the center there was an ice skating rink.
"Chani," you whispered under your breathe amazed at what he had done for you.
"Do you like it? I know you hate being cold but winter is one of my favorite times with all the different holiday snacks and, I just hope you like it," Chani mumbled feeling embarrassed.
"No it's amazing Chani!" You said quickly and he looked relief, "but Chani,"
"Wait! Everyone is here too! Everyone come out!" Chani called and soon everyone came in from different doors and your eyes widened.
Along with SF9 your friends and family were able to make it. Even some people from FNC entertainment came to help you celebrate.
"Chani, I..."
"What do you think, do you love it, is it too much?" Chani asked as everyone started to walk over to you guys and congratulate you on your birthday.
"Chani I need to tell you something," you whispered.
"Tell me later, let's enjoy this!" Chani smiled happily at you.
You let out a sigh and decided to just enjoy it.

A few hours had past and everyone was having so much fun, Dawon was trying to ice skate which was more entertainment for you, watching him repeatedly fall. The food was great and Chani was showing off how great he was at the games. You were so happy he was enjoying himself and you were so happy he put this much effort into something like this for you.
"Everyone! Gather around they are bringing out the cake!" Chani finally announce, he was like a child at his first birthday and was almost jumping when they brought out the cake.
When they brought the cake your jaw dropped, it was a beautiful 3 tier cake with light blue and white decorations , it almost looked like snow on it and it had your name with your age.
"Chani! Umm we really need to talk," you whispered grabbing his arm.
"Let me make my speech first!" Chani said as he stood up on a chair.
"Everyone, I'd like to thank you all for coming and spending this wonderful day with us! I'm so happy to be with this beautiful girl and celebrating our first birthday together." Chani said and of course SF9 let out 'awes' making Chani blush, "Umm anyways, I hope you all enjoyed it and I can't wait to spend more birthdays and celebrations with you (y/n) happy birthday!" Chani finished as he jumped off the chair and hugged you.
"Chani," you whispered.
"What noona," Chani asked as he still held you in his arms.
"Umm," you began but you were choking back tears, he did so much for you, you didn't want to ruin it but, you didn't want to lie to him either.
"Chani," you said again quietly so no one could hear, "today's not my birthday,"
Chani's eyes widened as he looked at you.
"What do you mean of course it is!" Chani said trying to deny it.
"Chani, my birthday was 2 days ago, you were busy doing promotions in China." You whispered.
Chani stood in front of you without saying anything.
"Chani I love this it's really amazing..."
You started but Chani walked away and left the room. 'Shit' you thought to yourself and ran after him.
"Hey is everything ok?" Youngbin asked as he stopped you before you could leave.
"Oh ya, just, we will be right back!" You said as you gave Youngbin a smile and quickly went out of the room to find Chani.
"Chani?" You called as your started to search the halls for him. "Chani!!" You called again but there was still no response.
You came to the end of the hallway and sighed, when you turned back around you caught from the corner of your eye Chani sitting on the stairs leading to the next floor.
"Chani, what are you doing?" You asked as you went and sat down beside him.
"What are you doing, you should be in there, celebrating with everyone," Chani muttered as he kept his head down.
"Chani, why are you upset?" You asked as you nudged his arm trying to get him to look at you.
"How are you not upset? I missed your birthday," Chani said kept his eyes down.
"Chani, its fine, you have been so busy with promotions, I knew we could celebrate later," you said as your reached over and laced your hand in his.
"But still, I didn't even call you, I could've sworn it was today," chani pouted as he glanced up at you.
"Chani, we have more chances to celebrate together, this isn't my only birthday I will ever have," you said as you gave his hand a squeeze.
"But I wanted it to be perfect," Chani sighed as he rested his head against your shoulder.
"And it is perfect, and let's be honest here, all those people in there are my friends and family and they didn't even say anything to about how my birthday was two days ago." You said getting Chani to crack a smile.
"I'm sorry," Chani sighed as he now lifted his head and looked you in the eyes.
"Don't be, it's perfect," you said as you scrunched your nose at him.
Chani smirked and leaned in and gently kissed the tip of your nose, "happy birthday," Chani whispered as he pressed his forehead against yours.
"Thank you Kang Chanhee, I'll never for get this, I promise," you whispered as you closed your eyes.
"Well, I guess let's go back, but" chani started as he stood up helping you to your feet, "don't tell Dawon about this, he'll never let me live it down,"
"I won't," you laughed as you followed beside Chani back to the party.
"Thank you for choosing me," Chani whispered as he put his arms around you and hugged you from behind, "I hope I'll always make you smile, I promise I'll do everything to make you happy,"
"I'm holding you to that promise," you whispered.
Chani kissed the top of your head and squeezed you tightly, even though he was younger than you, he was proving to you that he was everything you ever wanted in a boyfriend, and probably even more.

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