Dawon as a Dad

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Dawon as a Dad

Boy(s)- 3
Girl(s)- 1

"7- 8- 9-," he paused as he listened for any of their laughs, "10! Ready or not here I come!" He sang as he slowly uncovered his eyes and let them wander through the backyard. He listened to the silence around him, the last time he played with them they were giggly and loud, but it seems as though they had gotten better at hiding.
"I wonder where they could be?" Dawon sang as he started to creep slowly around hoping that his teasing would cause one of them to make a sound.
He listened close but still heard nothing 'hmph, they have improved on hiding' Dawon mumbled to himself when he he finally saw a pair of small shoes sticking out from underneath one of the bushes. He let a small smile cross his lips as he slowly started to walk over to them. He could see the pink colors on them and new right away it was his one and only daughter.
"I wonder where any of them could be, oh, I see a pair of feet, could that be... my favorite little girl?" Dawon teased as he got closer then quickly ducked underneath the bush and grabbed the tiny shoes, "GOTCHA!" He yelled but only to find that the shoes were empty.
"Hehehe" he heard giggles and footsteps from behind him and he turned all 4 of the kids standing on the back porch where they were on base and won the game.
"Gah! When did you all get so sneaky!" Dawon pouted as he walked over to the children who were holding in their laughter.
"We've been practicing, but then again maybe you're losing your skills," the oldest son teased.
"He's right, they say the older you get the slower you get," the second oldest added.
Dawon made a sad face, "you know what...." he started then quickly bolted to the kids and quickly scooped them into his arms making them scream out in giggles and screams. "What's wrong I thought I got slow?!" Dawon laughed as he started to tickle each of them in his arms.
"Get him!" They all yelled together and quickly pushed Dawon to the ground and piled on top of him.
"Ahh!" Dawon laughed out as each of them started to poke his sides with their tiny fingers!
"Give up?!" His daughter teased as he finally couldn't stop laughing.
"N-never!" Dawon answered as he finally grabbed them all in his arms again and roll on top of them.
"Noooo! Get off!!" They all cried out as Dawon playfully squeezed them in his arms.
"Guys?" They all heard their mother call from the house.
"Mom help!!" The kids cried out.
"She can't help you!" Dawon teased.
"Lee Dawon if you don't get off those children I'll give your dinner to the neighbors!" His wife threatened.
Dawon quickly shot up, letting the kids go, and they quickly ran away to their mother.
"We always know mom will save us!" His daughter laughed out.
"Where are your shoes?" His wife asked as she stared down at her daughters bare feet that were stained with grass.
"Hehe I took them off to trick daddy!" She explained.
"Get inside!" His wife laughed out, "honey get her shoes and get washed up!" She called to Dawon giving him a teasing face!
"Ya! You should be nicer to me!" Dawon whined as he walked over and grabbed his daughters shoes.
"Quit being a baby, I'm letting you keep your food!" His wife teased as she poked at Dawon's cheeks.
Dawon pulled his wife into his arms and placed a sloppy kiss on her cheek. He nuzzled his face into her neck and held onto her as the awkwardly walked into the house together.
"Stop being a weirdo and go clean up for dinner," she laughed as she playfully pushed on Dawon's chest.
"Fine! I see how it is, I'm so mistreated in this family!" Dawon said as he pouted his lips and walked to the bathroom as he set down his daughters shoes on the floor.
After all the kids were finally washed up everyone sat at the dinner table together, Dawon playfully walked by each of the kids and teased them as he poked at the faces.
"Daddy! Staaap!" He daughter giggled as he tickled her.
"Do you think we will ever have a nice quiet dinner?" His wife asked as she set the last of the food down smiling at how precious these moments were.
"As long as I'm here, it will always be a riot, right son?" Dawon teased as he messed up his youngest sons hair making him giggle out.
"Alright alright, let's try and settle down a bit," his wife said as she took her seat next to her husband.
Dawon smiled as he looked around at his family, he watched as the oldest brother took care of his only daughter and the two middle children argued over who got the bigger piece of chicken. He knew this was the perfect life, that he had everything he needed in front of him, he just needed to make sure they were always happy.
"Ya! Catch!" Dawon said as he tossed a piece of lettuce at his wife's face.
"Lee Dawon!" She said through gritted teeth as she tried to keep from smiling.
"What?" Dawon teased as he grabbed another piece and tossed it at her face again, "what are you gonna do? Huh?"
His wife quickly grabbed a handful of the dessert that was in the middle of the table and shoved it into Dawon's face. Dawon stood in shock as he wasn't expecting his wife to do this.
"Run!" She screamed as she quickly pushed off the table and rushed the kids out of the kitchen.
"This means war!" Dawon called it as he grabbed the bowl of food in the center of the table and took off to find them.
"Run!!" He heard them scream together as they quickly took off different directions to hide from he.
"Haha you better run! I have all the ammo and I won't give up!!" Dawon teased as he started to roam through the house.
They played together into the late night as they all covered each other with food and anything thing they could use as ammo. Dawon and his wife laid with their children in the middle of the living room floor as the kids were piled on top of them asleep.
"Dawon?" His wife whispered.
"Is this everything you ever wanted?" She asked as she looked over to him.
Dawon smirked, "no," he said and he pulled his wife into him, "its more than I could've ever asked for,"

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