Youngbin (request)

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You stared down at your feet as you walked beside Youngbin, you felt awkward, you could tell he was just as nervous as you were. This was actually your first time being alone together, every time you would make plans something would come up or you would end up spending it with all the guys.
Youngbin gave you a slight nudge getting you to look up at him, you grinned at his giddy smile and finally he broke the silence.
"So you're hungry right? There's this place I wanna take you to," Youngbin said as he stared back in front of him.
You smiled to yourself, you were starving, you were too busy trying to decide what you were going to wear and how you would do your hair that you had forgotten to eat. You suddenly started to slow your pace, you smelt something in the air, you were getting close to restaurants but there were small stands that were selling food. You looked around and saw a small stand selling finger foods that looked amazing. Without thinking you started towards the stand and watched as the lady was preparing a fresh batch.
"(Y/n) what are you doing?" Youngbin called as he walked over beside you.
"These look so good," you mumbled as you were practically drooling.
"Come on we will get food soon," Youngbin encouraged as he grabbed your hand.
"But, this is made, and we will have to wait, Youngbin-ah look, it looks so good," you practically begged as you stared at the food.
"Are you really that hungry?" Youngbin laughed out.
"I didn't eat today," you finally admitted as you covered your stomach that was aching with hunger.
Without hesitation Youngbin quickly asked the lady for some food and paid for everything. You watched as the lady gathered everything Youngbin ordered and placed it in a small box so it could be carried easier. Youngbin handed you a fresh one and you took it from him quickly taking a bite without thinking.
"(Y/n)!" Youngbin said trying to stop you but it was too late and you burnt your mouth.
"Oh my gosh! So hot!" You whined and Youngbin let out a laugh as he watched you struggle to try to still eat the delicious food.
"(Y/n)," Youngbin said between his laughs, "are you ok, do you need water?"
You nodded your head and Youngbin quickly handed you a bottle of water. You took a drink of the water feeling your the pain in your mouth start to subside.
"Better?" Youngbin grinned down at you.
"Shut up in hungry! Don't judge me!" You poured as you blew on the food trying to get it to cool down faster.
"Aish, come on let's walk and eat, I can show you some places you haven't seen before," Youngbin said as he led you along the sidewalk and started to show you different shops while you both ate.
"Youngbin-ah look!" You said as you pointed at a claw machine that had a bunch of nice gifts and stuffed animals inside.
"Ahh, I'm really good at these!" Youngbin bragged as he pulled out some money and put it in the machine.
The game started and you watched as Youngbin did his best to try to win one of the prizes. The claw went down but when you both thought he had it it fell back down.
"Ya! You saw I had it!" Youngbin groaned.
"Guess you're not as good as you thought," you teased as you took another bite from your food.
Youngbin huffed and pulled out more money starting the game again, you smiled to yourself as you watched Youngbins face fill with determination to win one of the prizes.
Youngbin tried 3 more times but every time the prize would fall from the claw, "ya! This thing is rigged anyways!" Youngbin complained as he gave up.
"Can I try?" You asked.
"Go ahead," Youngbin smirked down at you as he put in the money and the music started.
You quickly started to move the lever you did your best trying to concentrate but Youngbin started to bother you, lightly poking your cheek.
"Ya! Stop I didn't bother you!" You whined as you tried to brush him off.
"You're running out of time! Hurry!" Youngbin said putting more pressure on you.
You tried to concentrate but the time went out and the claw dropped where it was, "no!!!" You whined as you covered your eyes annoyed that you couldn't get it where you wanted.
"You got to be kidding me," Youngbin sighed.
You slowly uncovered your eyes and saw the claw had one of the small stuffed animals in it and it carried it over to the drop box and let it fell into the slot for you to get.
"I got it!!" You cheered as you quickly pushed open the slot and pulled out the small stuffed animal.
"I can't believe you got something," Youngbin mumbled as he walked away.
"Don't be jealous! Just because I'm better at the game than you," you teased as you skipped beside Youngbin.
Youngbin rolled his eyes as you gave him a cheesy grin and showed off your prize. Youngbin led you over to a park and you both were quiet as you walked alongside each other and you nervously played with your prize.
"Wanna play another game?" Youngbin finally asked as he stared down at you.
"What kind of game?" You ask snidely.
"Rock, paper, scissors, whoever loses has to reveal a secret, ok?" Youngbin explained.
"Ohh, ok!" You agreed.
"Ready?" Youngbin asked, and you both threw out your hands revealing your choice.
"Yes! You first!" You said as you beat Youngbin in the first round.
"Ah, hmm," Youngbin said as he tucked his hands in his pocket, "this has been the first time since we debuted where I've had a nice fun night,"
"Mmm," you hummed trying to hide your giddiness.
"Ready?" Youngbin said, then you both quickly threw out your hands again revealing your signs.
"Haha! Your turn!" Youngbin teased.
"I don't like cake," you said bluntly.
"Really? That's what you're going to confess," Youngbin asked, "make it fair!"
"You didn't say what I could and could! But fine next time I'll be honest!" You said.
You continued to play the game over and over again, each time you'd both laugh at each other's secret but you felt as if you were knowing more about Youngbin than anyone else did. You both sat at a bench and took in the cold air, your eyes wandered over the city lights, it was beautiful.
"One more?" Youngbin finally said as he smiled over to you.
You grinned and once again you both showed your sign and you won.
"Alright make it good! It's the last one," you teased as you faced toward Youngbin.
Youngbin was quiet for a moment, he bit his lip as he studied your face and finally, "I like you," he said as his eyes burned into yours.
You felt your cheeks get hot and you darted your eyes away from his trying to focus on something else.

You quickly stood up from the bench and started to walk away, "ah it's late, we should go ya?" You insisted as you made your way down the sidewalk.
"Wait," Youngbin called as he quickly jogged in front of you making you stop.
"Yea?" You asked trying to act as natural as you could.
"You, don't have anything you wanna tell me?" Youngbin asked.
"The games over, right?" You said trying to avoid saying anything.
Youngbin shifted his weight and stared off back at the city lights, he ran his tongue across his lips nervously and nodded. "You're right, let's get back," Youngbin said as he turned away and started to walk away.
"Wait," you said stopping Youngbin.
Youngbin turned back to you and you walked over to him, you nervously picked at the stuffed animal you gripped onto tightly.
"I," you started, then let out a sigh and looked up at Youngbin, "I like you too,"
Youngbins lips curled into a small smile and he took a step towards you, he reached over to you and cupped your cheek in his hand. His eyes were soft as he stared into yours, he slowly closed the distance between you and you closed your eyes. You felt his breathe against your lips, he lingered for a moment, then finally his lips brushed against yours. It was a small soft kiss, but it had your heart pounding in your ears.
You felt Youngbin shift and he gently pressed his lips back into yours again this time fully letting your lips connect. Youngbin slowly pulled away and rested his forehead against yours.
"Does this mean, I can call you mine?" Youngbin whispered as you kept your eyes closed.
You finally worked up the courage and opened your eyes staring straight into his big dark eyes, you pierced your lips together and gave him a small nod trying to hide the grin on your face.
Youngbin laced his fingers between yours and pulled you along side him, he held onto your hand tightly as he lead the way back to your apartment.

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