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He sat in the grass staring at it, he didn't know how long he'd been there, it was getting colder and darker now. He couldn't bring himself to leave, he couldn't bring himself to walk away, knowing that it would be the end.
'Why did I say what I did? If I would've been with her, if I would've ran after her...'
The same questions kept going through his head, he ran his fingers through the grass pulling it out and tearing it between his fingers. He couldn't stop replaying what would be the last time he saw her.

"Why are you making this a bigger deal than what it is?!"
"Because you always do this! You always leave when we're together! You never stop and think about how much this is hurting me!"
"Jagi, you know how busy I'm gonna be I can't just say no when I they want to do extra practices."
"One night! One movie! One meal! That's all I want from you! Just once!"
"I'm trying! Can't you understand that the time I have with you is all I can do for now!"
"Obviously you're not! If you're still willing to walk away instead of work this out!"
His phone started ringing again, they both stared down at the phone that lit up 'Leader Hyung'. He reached out and picked up his phone.
"Kang Chanhee if you answer it..."
Chani slid his finger across the phone and put the phone to his ear, "sorry hyung, I'm coming,"
He watched as she turned away grabbing her jacket and leaving the room. The door slammed behind her as Chani hung up the phone and stared at the door. He thought about running after her, he never liked her leaving when they were mad at each other.
'I'll call her after practice,' he thought to himself as he shook away his anger then grabbed his own stuff and started to the practice room.
He got to the practice room and everyone was already warmed up and ready to start. Chani quickly put his things down and found his spot to start practice.
"Sorry guys," chani said as he gave everyone a quick bow.
"Let's get started ya?" Youngbin said ignoring his apology and started the music.
It was an hour into the practice when it happened. It started small, but then it quickly escalated, the windows of the building started rattling and the floor started shaking underneath them.
Everyone was frozen, youngbin quickly told everyone to quickly get down and crawl underneath the tables. Everyone did as he said, the building continued to shake and they could hear the cracking of the ceiling. Dust was falling from all around and they were in so much danger but all Chani could think about was her.
He could hear car alarms and people screaming from outside, when was it going to stop? Finally the shaking was slowly stopping, the electricity flickered off and everyone stayed where they were.
"Is it over?" Dawon whispered to youngbin.
"I don't know," youngbin responded as he waited listening for anything besides all the chaos that was happening outside.
Chani reacted without thinking, he crawled out quickly from under the table and grabbed his bag.
"Chani!" Youngbin hissed.
Chani ignored his hyung as he quickly dialed her phone number and tried to call. He placed the phone to his ear but it was silent, he looked down at his phone and saw there was no service.
"Chani!" Rowoon yelled as chani threw away his stuff and took off to the door.
"Chani stop!" Everyone yelled but his feet kept moving.
He ran throughout the building to the staircase, it seemed like he was 50 floors up when he was only on the 4th floor. When he got to the main floor he bursted through the entrance and ran.
He could hear the sounds of people panicking and car alarms sounding as he pasted by, be he never stopped. He needed to see her, he needed to know she was ok.
Sweat was dripping down his face, and his legs were aching as he started to get near his destination. But soon he came to a sudden halt.
He was frozen on the sidewalk panting as he tried to take in everything he was seeing.
Although he was still a ways away he could see the apartment complex she lived in was partially collapsed. His heart was pounding in his ears, he could feel himself starting to break down.
'No! She's ok she couldn't have been home, she would've tried to calm down before she went home,' he tried to explain to himself as he finally pushed forward and slowly walked closer to the building.
"Chani?!" He heard and as he looked up, he saw her parents.
"Is she with you?" Chani murmured in a daze.
"Chani, we thought she was with you," her dad said as chani finally stood beside them.
"But she, couldn't be right, she's not there is she?" Chani said trying to deny anything that was happening.
"Mom?!" They heard.
Everyone turned to see who was calling, chani hoped it was her but as he turned he saw it was her little brother.
"Mom!" He screamed as he ran towards them starting to cry.
"My baby! You're ok! Where's your sister?" Her mom said as she knelt down hugging her son.
"Mom, (y/n) she, she pushed me out, we were in the elevator, when the building was starting to shake. She pushed me out before the doors closed. Mom! Mom she's ok right? She was in a metal closure so she's ok right?" Her brother sobbed as he clung onto his mother.
"Chani," her dad whispered to him but before he could stop chani, chani ran to the building.
"Chani!" He heard his name being called but he didn't stop.
He ran to the building entrance, people were slowly filing out as he pushed his way inside. He ran to the hallway to the elevators but when he turned he was stopped by a pile of rumble that blocked his way.
"(Y/n)?!" Chani screamed as he started to pull parts of the rumble down, "(y/n) answer me please! Please just yell, anything! Please! (Y/n)!"
"Chani stop!" He heard from behind him but he continued to pull off rock after rock not caring that his hands where getting cut.
"Chani!" They yelled again as they grabbed his shoulders and turned him to them.
"Youngbin, let me go! She's in there!" Chani said trying to push youngbin away.
"Chani stop! Look!" Youngbin said as he pointed up.
Chani looked up to as that if he kept pulling the pile of rumble the ceiling would collapse.
"Hyung," chani muttered as his body finally gave out and he fell into Youngbins arms.
"Chani, it's gonna be ok, we just have to let the professionals handle this ok?" Youngbin said as he helped chani to his feet and led him back outside.
"Are you ok? Are you hurt?" An officer asked as he stopped chani and youngbin.
"We're fine but there's someone in there still, in the elevator right chani?" Youngbin explained.
"Ya," chani mumbled still staring down at the ground.
"We'll try to get to them, just stand back we don't know if the building will collapse more. What's their name?" The officer asked.
"Her name is (y/n)" youngbin answered.
"Ok we will do our best to find her," the officer reassured leading them away from the building.

It was almost 2 days before they could get to her, the building kept collapsing little by little. When they finally got to her, it was too late.

Chani stared at the grave stone still, tears were spilling down his eyes at the horrible memories he had burdening him. He never got to make up with her, he never got to hear her say I love you one last time.
"Chani?" He heard a voice from behind him.
Chani quickly wiped away his tears and saw the guys standing behind him, still dressed in their black suits.
"Sorry, I just want to be alone," chani muttered.
"Chani, we have something for you," Rowoon said as he knelt down beside chani.
"I don't want it," chani sighed as he ripped apart more grass in his hands.
"Chani, it's her phone," Rowoon said as he held out her phone to him.
Chani looked over and saw her phone in Rowoons hand, the matching charm he had gotten her still hung on it, the building managed to hurt her but this little thing came out unscathed. Chani slowly reached out and took the phone from him.
"There's something on there you need to listen to," youngbin explained as he put his hand on his shoulder.
"We will leave you then," Rowoon insisted as he stood back up and the guy's all slowly walked away leaving chani by himself again.
Chani clicked the home screen button and the phone lit up, it was a picture of him and her together. Chani felt another lump of sadness well up in his throat, he forgot how beautiful she was, but seeing her smiling face made his heart ache.
He entered her password and found where her voice notes were, he saw one that was dated when everything happened. His hands started to shake, he didn't want to hear what was on it, but he just longed for her voice one last time.
He finally worked up his courage and pressed the play button and held it to his ear.

"Chani?" Hearing her voice say his name made him break down again, "chani-ah, I'm so sorry, I was so selfish, I shouldn't have left like that, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I didn't make it out, I couldn't bring myself to let my brother be the one in here. Kang Chanhee, I love you, I always will. I heard you yelling for me, I tried to call back, but I don't know how far down I am, it's cold, chani, I'm so scared, I'm so scared of not seeing you again, but, I'm more scared that you won't smile again if I don't make it out. Chani, I want you to know that, no matter what happens, I want you to be happy, if you're listening to this, know that I'm going to take care of you. I promise. I love you so much chani, my phones dying, ah chani I'm scared, but I'll try to be strong. Please don't let this burden you, please know that, I'll be with you no matter what, I love you, I can't say that enough, I love you..."

The message came to an end and Chani let the phone drop to the floor. He buried his face in his arms and let himself fully let out the tears he had been holding back. After what felt like an eternity of crying chani finally looked up wiping his tears away.
He stood up as he picked up her phone and put it in his pocket. He walked over to her gravestone bowing down to her gravestone and placed his lips on the cold surface.
"I love you too, I always will, and I promise, I'll move all the mountains and search through all the galaxies to find you and be with you again, I promise you (y/n) I will make you proud. I love you," chani whispered as he pushed away from the stone and turned away.
He walked away knowing that she was walking beside him, he couldn't see her but he could feel her. No matter what he knew she would always be there with him, and he knew, he'd be with her again.


I'm a mess I'm bawling... I'm so emotional... you don't know how much I'm crying and shaking... ahhh I love all my followers please! Don't hate me for this!! I love you so so much!

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