Teacher Rowoon

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You sat at your desk and listened to the commotion going on as the rest of the class was getting loud knowing that your regular teacher was absent today. You sighed as you felt annoyed that the boys sitting behind you kept bumping the back of your chair but did your best to keep your cool. You hated this class, every time there was a substitute teacher things always seemed to be worse with the other classmates.
You closed your eyes and rubbed your temples, you heard the door of the classroom open and everyone fell silent. This substitute must have been scary because even the guys behind you became quiet. You opened your eyes expecting to see another old teacher but instead you froze.
It was a younger guy, his hair was brown and parted, his features were almost that of a Prince Charming. You shifted in your seat feeling your heart race and started to feel yourself getting hot.
"Good morning," he finally said as he placed his bag on the back of the chair and took off his jacket.
You heard some girls let our giggles and start to swoon over him, not you, you were a mess on the inside but you did your best to keep your composure.
"I will be your teacher for the week, or at least till your regular teacher comes back." He started as he turned to the chalkboard and wrote out his name, "Let's drop the formal stuff, my name is Rowoon, just because I'm being formal with you doesn't mean I will let you walk all over me,"
"Pretty boy thinks he can easily take control?" You heard one of the boys whisper under his breathe.
"You!" Rowoon called out pointing to the boy behind you, "stand up,"
Everyone turned and watched as the boy slowly stood up from his seat.
"You seem to be the one who will be causing the most problems, am I right sweet pea?" Rowoon said teasingly as he placed his hands on the table staring the boy down from across the room.
"N, no sir," the boy stammered.
Everyone let out a laugh at how Rowoon had this boy pinned.
"Tsk," Rowoon said as he stood back up straight and crossed his arms, "what happened, I heard you talking a big game from outside the door,"
Everyone was silent, you looked from the corner of your eye to see the boy clenching his fists, he wanted to say something but he could tell the new teacher wasn't having it.
"Hmm, you know what," Rowoon said as he scanned the room, "you," he said as he pointed to one of the girls in the front row, "I'd like you to switch places with him,"
"Oh, ok," she muttered as she quickly gathered her books and stood up.
"Come on sunshine, come sit front and center," Rowoon said as the boy grabbed his books in frustration and walked to the front placing his books on the desk. "Ah you know what, how about you move your desk next to mine, since you seem to like the attention, ya?"
Everyone was silent, no one could believe the new teacher was taking such actions. The boys face was red with embarrassment and anger as he pushed his desk next to Rowoons desk.
"Ah that's better right?" Rowoon asked, "now then, as you can see, I won't be putting up with disruptions, yes I can be fun and we can have a good time as I teach, but I will not tolerate disrespect in this class, is that understood?"
Everyone gave a silent nod, you felt your heart racing, even though he gave of this hard vibe, you felt as if he would keep you safe. That made you become even more attracted to him. Everyone listened as he started the lesson for the day, he started file through the isles making sure everyone was taking notes.
You kept your head down, he was getting closer to you, you gripped onto your pencil tighter as your knuckles turned white. You could feel him standing next to you, he stopped, you kept your head down, doing everything you could to keep from blinking.
You felt him move closer as he hovered over your desk checking your paper, "good notes, are you ahead of the rest of the class?"
"I, umm," you stammered keeping your head down.
"Keep it up, it's not a bad thing," rowoon said as he lightly patted your shoulder then moved on.
You felt yourself grinning to yourself at his compliment, you always tried to stay ahead of the class, but even though you did, when it came to tests, you couldn't show that you understood the work, it was like you froze and forgot everything.
You tried to go back to your notes but felt someone kick your chair, you slowly peaked from the corner of your eye and saw one of the girls glaring at you. She quickly slipped a piece of paper under your book before Rowoon could see. He passed by on your other side checking to see if the other students were writing, he didn't see it.
He walked past you and you took the paper from under your book and unfolded it reading: "teachers pet, don't think that just because he gave you a little bit of attention means anything, you're still pathetic," you crumpled up the paper feeling your tears in your eyes. To quickly blinked them away returning back to your notes.
"(Y/n)," you heard Rowoon call making you jump in your seat.
"Y, yes?" You responded.
"Come up here bring your notes," he said as he sat at his desk.
You quickly gathered your books and walked up to the desk, you fumbled with your things as you stood next to Rowoon. He gave you a small smile as he tapped the desk for you to set your books down, you quickly did so and Rowoon flipped through the pages as he started to explain some things for you to take note of. You listened to him and when he was done showing you everything he handed you back your book, you quickly took it forgetting about the note you had in your hand and let it fall to the floor.
You quickly walked back to your desk not realizing you had dropped the note, you silently went back to your notes until finally the bell rang for the next class. You gathered your things and started to file out of the classroom.
"(Y/n)," you heard Rowoon call before you could make it out of the class.
You stopped in your tracks as the other students past by you leaving you and Rowoon alone in the class.
"Come here a moment," he said as he waved you over to his desk.
You slowly walked over and stood in front of his desk.
"You're not in trouble," He reassured but then he placed the note on the table.
Your eyes widened and you stared down at your feet.
"Who wrote this?" He asked as he stared at you.
You pierced your lips together, you didn't want to say, you didn't want to be a snitch.
"That's fine," Rowoon said as he stood up and walked around the desk to you, "but you should know this is nonsense, don't ever thing that this is true about you. You're smart beautiful girl, when people see that, they get intimidated and respond by trying to deny and crush that, don't let that happen."
You stared up into his brown eyes, he was so sincere as he told you everything you ever wanted to hear from someone.
He let a small smile curl on his lips as he gently patted your head, "I look forward to seeing more of you, after all, I'm not technically your teacher, so we can be a little closer,"


Look forward to a part 2 of this in the future ❤️

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