Jaeyoon as a Dad

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Jaeyoon as a Dad

Boy(s)- 0
Girl(s)- 2

"Stay still!" The little girl sang as he kept his eyes closed and she continued to put make up on his face. Jaeyoon let out a small laugh, "hurry! I wanna see!" He teased as the other daughter continued to put bows in his hair. "All done!" They exclaimed together and he opened his eyes as the youngest grabbed a hand held mirror to show him the finished product.
Jaeyoon let out a laugh at the site of his face, the different colors that were painted on him with the bright red lipstick made him laugh out more. The youngest seemed to think that although he had 3 bows in his hair already he needed more and he now had almost 9 multicolored bows and flowers on his head. "Ah you guys are the best, the styling Noonas need to take some lessons from you!" He complimented as he scooped his two daughters into his arms and hugged them closely.
"Now we can have our tea party!" The youngest screeched with excitement. "No no! He needs the proper dress to attend!" The oldest said as she quickly ran to her play closet and pulled out a bunch of princess dresses and walked back over to Jaeyoon. "I said make up only though!" Jaeyoon pouted. "Please!" The two girl pouted back giving Jaeyoon their best sad face as the pouted their lips. "Aish, how can I say no when you look at me like that," Jaeyoon mumbled.
The two girls giggled together as they started to pick which dress they would put on their father. Jaeyoon helped them put the tiny dress on him, he felt embarrassed that he was even doing this but luckily his wife was out getting groceries for dinner. Jaeyoon sat in the tiny chair with his tiny dress on as the youngest grabbed a feathered scarf and wrapped it around his neck.
"Mmm yes I think now I'm ready for this party," Jaeyoon said in a high pitched tone as he acted as if he were a stuck up queen. "Tea my lady?" The oldest said as she poured the fake tea for him, "why thank you madam," Jaeyoon played along as he took the plastic pink cup and pretended to sip. "It is quit delicious today," Jaeyoon complimented as he set down the tea. The youngest giggled and pretended to cut a slice of cake for him and put it on his plate, "just a small piece for you my lady," she teased. "Oh! Are you saying I'm fat?!" Jaeyoon asked dramatically as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Well you could barely fit in that dress," the oldest muttered as they both started to giggle. Jaeyoon smirked, "well I never!" He played along as he stood up from the table, "wait! We can dance to help lighten the mood!" The youngest said as she rushed over to their small pink stereo and pushed play and music started to play. The two quickly grabbed Jaeyoons hands and started to dance with him, Jaeyoon smiled and started to dance along with them.

Jaeyoon was so focused on the girls that he never heard his wife call to them that she was home, when no one responded she set down her bags and made her way to the noise coming from the playroom. She smiled at the site of her husband in a yellow princess dress with all the bows and flowers in his hair as he danced with his daughters.
"Ah looks like a party is going on in here," she teased as she leaned against the doorway. Jaeyoon and the girls turned to see her standing there, Jaeyoon cleared his throat as the girls let go of his hands and ran to their mother. "Mommy!" They sang as they ran into her arms. "And who's this young lady?" She teased as she tried to keep from laughing at her husbands painted face.
"Go get cleaned up girls, and make sure you put everything away," jaeyoon said as he started to walk out of the room. "Excuse me miss, don't you think you should be the one to clean up and maybe, change, I think you're a bit over dressed for dinner," his wife teased. Jaeyoon quickly slipped off the dress and handed it to the oldest daughter who was trying to keep from laughing, he stood back up and made his way quickly to the bathroom as he heard the three girls burst out with laughter.

Jaeyoon ate his dinner quietly, he could feel his wife and daughters giggling to each other as they kept remembering the site of him all dressed up. After dinner Jaeyoon was helping his wife by washing the dishes while she got the girls ready for bed. He heard her walk into the kitchen as he was starting to dry off the clean dishes. "Are you still mad?" She teased as she nudged him and started to help him.
"No," Jaeyoon mumbled keeping his eyes down, "Stop being such a baby, seeing you with the girls like that was the most beautiful thing Lee Jaeyoon!" She reassured as she turned him to her and hugged onto him. "I'm always out numbered though," Jaeyoon pouted as he held his wife tightly. "Well, we could always try for a boy," his wife teased as she poked his sides. Jaeyoon finally smiled and pushed his face into his wife's hair, "I don't care, I have everything I need right here jagi, if me dressing like a girl makes them smile, and it makes you happy, that's all that matters." Jaeyoon said as he kissed the top of her head.

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