Episode 11 | edited

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Episode 11
"Blue Dragon Village"
Notice : edited 05.01.19


Saya sat beside the hot, crackling fire as Yoon was preparing dinner for that night. Kija had woken up but Hak was still unconscious and leaning peacefully on the trunk of a tree.

"Here." Yoon said as he offered her a bamboo cup filled with hot soup. The brown liquid had lots of mountain vegetables floating inside.

Raising it to her mouth, Saya sipped from the cup and simpered into the soup. "Warm..." she mumbled, taking another sip.

"Hm? Did you say something?" the strawberry-blonde asked, looking up from his cooking pot.

"Oh, it's nothing," she babbled. "You're just so good at everything, I'm shocked!"

Yoon blushed in embarrassment and covered his face with his hand. "O-of course I am! If I didn't cook this group wouldn't last a day."

"Haha, that's true. I remember one time, long long ago, I almost died from food poisoning."

"What?! What the hell even happened?" the boy barked.

"I didn't realize water from lakes weren't safe to drink unless boiled. My friend and I were agonized by stomach aches for days. One of the most unpleasant things I've experienced in this world by far," Saya mused.

(refer back to the prologue, hehe)

The eating and talking wasn't a good idea, however, as she began coughing on a chunk of mountain veggies. "K-chk-ak! C-choking," the immortal cried, strangling out the strained words. "Help me, Yoon!"

"No," the teen chided stubbornly, going back to eating his food. "This is what you get for being an idiot."

"That's harsh, Yoon..." Saya weeped, swallowing the soup in her throat and pouting.

Suddenly, Hak lifted his head and groggily began to sit up, forcing his eyes to open.

"Hak," she said, startled. "Good, you're awake now! Here, eat some of Yoon's soup. It's yummy."

The Fox Goddess dipped her spoon into her soup filled cup and raised it to the ex-general's lips. Slowly, Hak inched his face closer , the slightest hint of blush on his cheeks, and only touched the spoon with his lips when suddenly it was yanked out of his reach.

"Don't worry Sae-rin-sama, this insolent man isn't worth your care and concern. Here, let me feed him." Kija interrupted, butting into the scene and jabbing the spoon down Hak's throat.

"A-ack! What the hell?! You totally ruined the moment." The 19-year-old complained, pounding Kija on the head and glaring.

The way they fought, forehead to forehead, looked awfully like a White Dragon and tiger bickering with each other. Saya chuckled.


After dinner, the group of five went to bed, snuggling into their blankets. All except for Kija, who was still awake and shivering, unable to sleep on the unsanitary floor.

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