New beginings

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Callie's pov

Friday before the game

"Girls hurry up, I don't have all day Scott  screamed. Everyone was so welcoming when he came so we decided to stick together because he's still really new. "Just give us a second" I screamed back as Julia was finishing my French braids. Today we had a color game where we wear our school apparel and if our team won we would get colored power poured on all of us to raise money for different charities. After My braids were done I threw on a red bandana. I was wearing Blake's away jersey with white long sleeves under it, leggings, and moccasins. After we went downstairs,Scott was in Lily's kitchen eating goldfish and watching Catfish. "Damn I thought you guys would never be done" "well I'm sorry but we need to look good for our guys" Julia said "true" "yeah" lily said "lily you don't have a guy" "I will find one" "cough cough Mike" Scott said laughing "who told you about me and mike?" "Mike" "aww Michael actually cares about you" I said jokingly. "Let's go" she said grabbing money from her wallet stuffing it into her pocket and going out the door. "She has no chill" Alex laughed "I can tell" Scott said.

When we got to the game it was really packed. It was pretty cool but weird bc we all had our guys' jerseys on and Scott was just there. I need to find him a girl to be honest. When we got to the bleachers we found Liam and Brooke sitting together because everyone else was participating in the game. "Do you girls want anything Liam and I are going to get food from the concession stand" "sure we'll all have popcorn and hot chocolate" I replied "well I figured that you guys wanted that because you guys are just like that" "like what?" Alex asked "I don't know I guess just like every other teenage girl" "shut up" Julia said laughing. "Liam I'll help Scott, you can keep watching the game" "thanks cal"

"So I heard that you and Blake got back together" "yeah, and you know what's funny" "what?" "He thought you were here because he thought you were my fake rebound" "wow" "yeah I mean he just always blows things out of proportion" "it's okay, if I were him I that situation I would be the same" "good to know" "so are all the games like this?" "Yeah I guess" "nice". "So did you enjoy your first week here?" "Yeah I met a lot of new people but I'm happy because if I didn't meet you, none of this would've happened" "aww how sweet" I said giving him a side hug.

"The only thing is that I miss my brother and sister " "lol why your they both live pretty close considering that one lives with you and one isn't that far" "not them, I'm a triplet, they live with my mom back in Michigan " "really?" "Yeah, she won custody over them while my dad won custody over my brother, my sister, and I" "so I'm assuming you miss them a lot" "yeah, we were all pretty close, I just wish that my dad had won custody over them instead of my brother and sister" "I get it, but then you wouldn't of met me" I said laughing "yeah that's true, that's a big plus and I don't know why but you kinda remind me of my sister" "lol why?" "I don't know, I feel like everything you've gone through, is the same thing she went through will all of the boy drama and your personality is similar" "oh wow, what are their names?" "Peyton and James" "nice I can't wait to meet them" "yeah but their coming in two weeks so it'll be nice to see them and you'll meet them". "So are we still on for tomorrow?" "Hell yeah" "okay because we need to talk about this new pest" "agreed".

After we got everything the game went by fast and we ended up winning 21- 28 in double overtime.


I finished my breakfast when I got a text from Hunter

Hunter- hey Callie its Hunter, I wanted to know if we can talk before the party

Callie- well I knew it was you but what time?

Hunter- doesn't matter, I'm not busy until Madison's party so you can choose

It's just a little too complicated (Sequel to The Choice)Where stories live. Discover now